Chapter Two 🦋

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Daryl's POV:

"Okay, I think I've got it." Beth's boyfriend Zack suddenly said, as we all waited outside, waiting to see if there were walkers inside that were yet to make themselves known to us. I just huffed, I knew what he was trying to get at. Been going on for weeks now with this same old guessing game. "Got what?" Michonne questioned confused.

"Oh I've been trying to guess what Daryl and Val did before the turn. Since only Daryl's here I might as well." Zack explained.

"He's been trying to guess for, like, six weeks." I scoffed.

"Yeah I'm pacing myself. One shot a day."

"Alright, shoot."

"Well, the way you are at the prison, you being on the council, you're able to track, you're helping people, but your kind of... surly. Big swing here. Homicide cop." His guess made Michonne erupt into laughter. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing it makes perfect sense."

"And what about Val?" Michonne asked, still laughing.

"Well... with how Val is at the prison, her also being on the council, the way she is with everyone there, especially with the children. I'd say preschool teacher." He guessed, causing me to chuckle a little bit as I knew full well that as much that it was a reasonable guess, anyone would think that, but knowing Val's past with children, I don't think she would have the strength to continuously be around young children, while knowing she'd never get the chance to have her own.

Since the first time, she told me I made sure that she never thought about it for long enough as I knew how down she would get. Her mood would completely switch in a second, the moment that happened, the harder it was to pull her out of it. Trying to remind her that it wasn't her fault. "I mean it could be possible." Michonne stated.

"Nah, trust me it ain't." I huffed, trying to not to let them the truth, knowing I would get an ass whooping from her if I ever did.

"Okay, I'll just keep guessing I guess."

"Yeah, you keep doing that."


Val's POV:

I walked around the field, holding Judith. I didn't like the idea of keeping inside most of the time, so whenever I got the chance to look after her or hold, I would take for a walk around different areas of the prison. I used to do it whenever Carl was a baby and when he was old enough Rick use to walk him around the local farmland, just the two of them. It was something our father did with us when we were young, something we'll always cherish.

There was only so much I can do while I waited for Daryl to come back. I noticed Rick out in the fields once again and he wasn't looking himself. "You wanna go say hi to your daddy." I muttered to Judith, hearing her coo in return put a smile on my face. I walked down to Rick, I knew something was up and I wanted to check on him. "Hey Rick." I greeted with a smile, which soon dropped when I saw the look on his face. "Everything alright?"

"Violet's dead."

"Who the hell is Violet?" I asked confused.

"Carl named her Violet." Rick explained, pointing at the pig that laid dead in the pen. "Oh right." I said in realisation.

"Are you alright though?"

"There was a woman, out there. I tried to help her, before she tried to attack me. Then... then she stabbed herself. In the stomach. Wanted me to leave her and let her turn to be with her dead husband."

"I almost did the same. After Lori." Rick admitted, with his head down.

"I know. But you didn't. and I'm glad you didn't."

"Same here."


I managed to get Judith to sleep a little before I handed her off to Rick, so I then could go to my cell, where I figured Daryl would've been waiting for me. "Hey you," He greeted, quietly as he sat on the bed.

"Hey, sorry I wasn't already in here, I was holding Judith for most of today and she fell asleep in my arms for a while. She missed a nap and I didn't want to risk her not staying asleep so I kept hold of her until she woke up again." I explained.

"It's alright. Family things. I get it."

"More like baby things." I giggled, as I hung a sheet over the cell door for privacy.

"I seem to be one of the only ones to get her to sleep nowadays. I think she's almost at that stage where she's teething again."

"Oh right okay. What's teething again?" He asked confused. I giggled a little. I guess that just showed how little he knew. "It's when a baby starts to get their first teeth. They go from gums to teeth. It can bring a baby a lot of discomfort. I noticed a few more starting to come through so there's no doubt she'll start crying a lot more soon." I explained, taking my shirt and boots off.

"Aaah okay I get it now." I just smiled as I walked over to him, letting him wrap his arms around waist, pulling me close to him. "Do you still want a baby?" He asked, taking me by surprise.

"What made you ask that? You know I can't have one."

"I know, I know. But maybe it's changed since then. It's only what 10-15% chance of it happening. Maybe it's a chance we take."

"What are you talking about? Where is this all coming from?"

"I'm just saying that if it were to happen with some sort of miracle. I'll be okay with it."

"and so will I. But Daryl I'm telling I doubt there will ever be a day where that will happen."

"So for now can we please just drop the baby talk."

"Yeah of course." He agreed, pulling me in for a kiss. A kiss that became deepened and heated, soon turning into a make out session. Which then turned into more than that. Our clothes being thrown to floor.


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