Chapter Eleven 🦋

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Val's POV:

It was pitch black, first night. The word slut, constantly repeating itself. Over and over and over. How dare I flirt with someone else right? I was done with being bossed around by him. It was time for me to finally take charge. "You're such a slut!" He yelled at me.

"Oh am I now? You're the slut here!" I screamed back.

"You're the one know as a manwhore!" Instant stinging stuck to my face. His hand made the final motion. "Never question me again!" He scolded, angrily at me. I looked over by the trees, the redneck stood there staring at us. An angry look bared across his face from what he witnessed. It's been going on for days now. I challenge Shane and this was the result.

It's not my fault he didn't like to be challenge by me. Yet he wanted to be with me first. I just made the final decision. "Are you fucking listening to me?" He charged at me.

His hands wrapped around my wrists. I screamed for help, as he continued to violate me. This time no one was coming. "PLEASE STOP!" I cried out, immense pain taking over. His hand went to my throat, tightening his grip on it.

I jolted awake, bringing my hand to my throat to soothe a pain that was never there. I searched my surroundings to see where I was, feeling relieved once my reality came back to me. I hadn't had that nightmare since it all first happened. I must've been that tired I feel asleep while on watch. If only it wasn't that I was dreaming about maybe I would have stayed asleep for a little longer.


Daryl's POV:

The people I ran with, turned out to be people who were hunting Rick. Apparently he killed one of theirs and then they weren't looking for him, decided to kill him. I knew they were looking for someone. Revenge they said. But once I saw Rick about to die, I couldn't let it happen. I got the shit beaten out of me for trying to stop it. At least those assholes were killed in the process and not us. I couldn't handle the idea of Val and never getting to see her again.

We began the journey to Terminus, Rick figured that if his little sister was still alive she would go looking for us there, knowing Rick would think like that. I knew Val would be smart enough to think like her brother instead of herself. Knowing her she wouldn't have gone there, she wouldn't have trusted it.


We jumped the fence and went around the back, knowing they wouldn't have expected it. All was fine until Rick spotted things from the others, when he was lied to about they got them from, let's just say it didn't end well. Now here we are waiting until they slit our throats, to then bleed us out like pigs. In that moment I was most afraid. Not that I was about to die but because I was never going to see her again. Her beautiful smile, her gorgeous bright blue eyes. Just her as a whole made my heart skip a beat, and now it was going to stop beating.

The man was up to Glenn meaning I was about to be next. The one getting ready to swing the bat, was about to hit Glenn on the back of the head, until the sound of an explosion that shook the whole place, stopped them in their tracks. Rick to that as a sign to attack, considering that they were now distracted. No one coming to help them.


Val's POV:

We continued on our way to Terminus, expect Carol didn't want to trust it. She took the lead, leading us around a back way. We came across someone who was clearly a part of that group. Overheard him talking to someone over a radio about people they kept, locked away. Plans to slaughter them like pigs. Only thing is, the description fit everyone from our group.

Tyreese stayed back at the shack, protecting Judith. Carol didn't want me to come but I knew Tyreese was strong enough to look after Judith on his own. Just because I was pregnant doesn't mean I was suddenly useless. We found it, the place that they called Terminus. We had to cover ourselves with walker guts to go undetected by the herd. We stood at the fence line planning what we were going to do next, after witnessing them take my brother, Daryl, Glenn, and Bob be dragged away with gags in their mouths. The moment I noticed Daryl, my hand flew straight to my belly, where I was growing our unborn child.

"May be we could use the one of those fireworks, the explosion and fire caused from it will create enough of diversion to get everyone out." I suggested. I examined every inch of the place, working out every possible conclusion, that was the best solution we had.

"It will draw that herd over here too, the place will get overrun. The attention will be on the walkers." I added, after watching many walkers start to stumble around grounds.

"Good idea. Gives us enough time. I don't really want you going in though."

"I'll be fine. I'll stay as close as I can." She nodded her head. We waited a second as I lined up the shot, after putting a firework in the barrel of the rifle, soon lighting the firework. Watched it fly into the propane tank. Sending it up into flames, shaking the ground as it exploded.

We snuck inside, I instantly found Daryl's crossbow and picked it up immediately. I knew he would want it back. Carol got into a fight with a woman that ran the place. The woman had her gun trained on Carol, ready to kill her. I aimed my knife at the back of her head, as I snuck my way up behind her. I stayed a reasonable distance away and the knife. Going straight into the woman's head, dropping her to the ground. "Thanks." Carol muttered.

"Your welcome." I muttered back.


We made our way back outside. I could hear talking up a head. Carol had taken the lead. I watched Daryl go and hug her instantly. "You did that?" I heard my brother ask.

"Well it wasn't all me." Carol stated, moving away from everyone's eyesight to show me. Daryl's face instantly lit up the moment he laid his eyes on me. I dropped everything on the ground and sprinted to him. Jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Colliding our lips together, forgetting who would be seeing us.

We pulled away, leaning our foreheads against each other. "I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed ye too." He whispered back. Smiles on our faces. Nothing could ruin this moment. "So uh when were you two going to tell me?" Rick questioned. 'Shit.' I thought to myself. Daryl placed me back on my feet. "Rick I can explain..."

"Valentina, I don't want an explanation. I want answers."

"Look, every time I went to tell something always happened. Always getting in the way. I really wanted to tell you. We both did." I stated. I could tell Rick was annoyed. He went silent, not saying another word to me. I picked up everything I had dropped before. "There's something you should see." Carol told Rick. Leading everyone to the shack where Tyreese walked out holding onto Judith. Rick and Carl ran to him, taking Judith from him.

"I think this yours." I said, handing Daryl his crossbow. "Thanks." He replied, taking it from hands. Pulling me in for another kiss straight after.


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