Chapter Twenty Five 🦋

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Val's POV:

"Hey you," I greeted Daryl with a smile, as I noticed him immediately sitting on the porch, fiddling with his fingers. I walked over to him, and as awkward the position was going to be, I sat on his lap, straddling him, facing each other. "You okay?" I asked, quietly.

"Huh, yeah sunshine, just not sure about this place darling that's all." I nodded my head lightly understanding what he was telling me. I wasn't so sure myself, but our baby was better off being born in a place where there are walls protecting us, a constant roof over our heads. It was somewhere that baby Dixon could grow up. Even in this shitty world. "How ye feeling?" He questioned, curiously and worriedly as examined my face. "I'm fine, just tired. I'll feel better once I shower though." I giggled lightly, as that was something I never thought I would be saying again. "And bub?" He asked, placing his hands on my large stomach.

"Yeah, I feel him move around every now and then." I stated with a smile.

"Ye mean her." Daryl corrected immediately.

"Not so fast mister. We don't know that for sure."

"Nah it's a girl." He stated, certain on his words. This made me smile even more. To think only few days ago I questioning. Questioning all of it. Even though I had every reason to be unsure, I wish I didn't think those things I did about us.


We stayed in the same position for a while now. Probably the first time ever we both truly felt comfortable enough to be this vulnerable with each other now that we weren't sneaking around Rick's back. Daryl kept planting kisses from my lips to my forehead to my cheeks. Just kissing me ever so lightly. All of it made me giggle, and for the first time in months I felt genuine happiness and I didn't feel afraid to be it. I was finally completely allowing myself to be happy. "Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles." Carol stated, excitedly as she walked out onto the porch with us.

"What?" Daryl questioned confused.

"Make dinner for the older people- moms who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbours that way." Carol explained.

"All right." Daryl scoffed, making me giggle a little bit. "Have either of you taken a shower yet?" Carol asked, giving us a questioning look. "Mm-hmm." Daryl muttered, planting another kiss on my lips to avoid Carol's gaze. "Take a shower. I'm gonna wash that vest. Same with your jacket Val." Carol instructed.

"We need to keep up appearances, even you Daryl." Carol continued on, as she walked down the front steps. "Hey, I ain't starting now." Daryl stated. "I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep," Carol threatened.

"You have fun with that Carol," I chuckled, as she continued on her way. "Thanks Val, I will." Carol called back with a smile.

"Ye look ridiculous." Daryl jokingly insulted Carol as she continued walking. I just shook my head at his response. "Come on, let's go." I instructed, starting to get up. "Where are you going?"

"You mean where are we going? We're going to go have a shower." I replied. He shook his head ay me, "Yer as bad as her." He laughed.

"Who's the one that's pregnant here?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Very clearly you." He laughed.

"Cause I'm carrying your baby," I laughed.

"And whose fault is that?" He asked, chuckling.

"Very clearly yours." I laughed, smacking his arm lightly. "Now come on, I'm going to need your help in there."


There was a commotion going on outside. Daryl and I walked out the house, noticing what was going on immediately. We approached Glenn and the others seeing what was going on. It looked like Deanna's son Aiden wasn't happy about something that Glenn, at least that what I got just from observing the pair along side Daryl. I took one look at Daryl noticing how he was prepared for something. He was waiting for it.

"Say that again." I heard Aiden instruct.

"Back off Aiden," Tara demanded. Aiden began to shove Glenn backwards. "Come on tough guy." Aiden said, shoving Glenn once again. "No one's impressed man. Walk away." Glenn stated.

"Aiden! What is going on?" Deanna bellowed.

"This guy's got a problem with the way we do things. Why'd you let these people in?" Aiden replied, smugly. 'And who decided to make you king dick?' I thought to myself in annoyance. God, these people are so lost. They wouldn't survive a day on the road, clearly. "Because we actually know what we're doing out there." Glenn scoffed, in response. Aiden went to take a swing at Glenn, only Glenn ducked and then punched Aiden in the face instead, knocking Aiden to the ground. Nicholas went for Glenn, only Daryl tackled him to the ground, his hands around Nicholas' throat. 'Oh no' I muttered, instantly going to Daryl. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I heard Rick call out to Daryl as he clearly just got back and saw what was happening. I put my hand up to rick, to tell him I got it.

I wrapped my arms around Daryl. "Hey, hey, let's not do this now Dare. Let go baby." I whispered in his ear. Feeling him relax, he let go, and backed off with me. I grabbed hold of his hand to try and give him more comfort, as I noticed he was. "I want everyone to hear me, okay?" Deanna began.

"Rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways as equals."

"Understood?" Deanna questioned loudly, immediately glaring at her son. "Understood." Aiden replied, reluctantly. Soon everyone else walked away as they listened to the following instructions Deanna gave them. "I told you I had a job for you. I'd like you to be our constable. That's what you were. That's what you are." Deanna stated, turning he attention to Rick. I still stood there listening, keeping a hold of Daryl. I just wanted to keep him calm for as long as it took to get him to be completely. "And you too," Deanna added, turning to look at Michonne.

"Will you accept?"


"Yeah I'm in." Michonne said, agreeing with Rick. I heard Daryl scoff, as he took his hand out of my grip and stormed away. Rick looked at me with pleading eyes. I just lightly nodded my head. I knew I needed to talk to Daryl, there was something on his chest he wasn't telling anybody, and at the same time it was like he felt like no one was really listening or even asking him how he really felt.


Daryl was outside on the porch, I guess he needed some space, and I was giving him that, I noticed Rick and then Carol go out there. I guess to speak with him. I could feel his uncertainty from the moment we got here and yet Daryl still wasn't opening up. I just wished I knew what the problem was. Was it me? Was he still worried about the baby? Being a dad? Or maybe it was balled up into one and being here now just made it all harder for him. I don't know but I just had to hope he will open up to me sometime soon.


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