Chapter Eight 🦋

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Val's POV:

I didn't know what was taking them so long. They've been gone a day longer than they should have. I've spent most of my time vomiting and if I wasn't doing that I was doing what I could to help. I stayed angry at Daryl for the couple days he's been gone but now all I wanted was him back. I couldn't stand him being gone. What he said wasn't okay but at the same time it came from a place of anger. I didn't say anything better to him first. What he said had been retaliation. If that had been Shane, I would've got a slap to the face. Rick went on a run with Carol, the day before and came back alone. He didn't say why. He didn't anything at all to me actually.

Hershel was now helping those that were sick, putting himself in danger. All I could hope was that Daryl would be back soon with the antibiotics then we could save everyone. Maggie has been making me do nothing but rest. Telling me that it should help me tolerate the nausea. If only that was true.


I had heard gunshots come from the other side of the prison. I knew no one would've wanted me to, but I jumped straight out of bed, sprinting with crossbow in hand toward Cell block A. "Val! You shouldn't be here!" Maggie cried, as she noticed me standing there after multiple attempts to open the door. "Neither should you!" I yelled back at her.

"You're vulnerable! You might be pregnant!"

"Don't have much of a choice now pregnant or not!"

We banged on the door, hoping to get someone to answer it. With no luck, we had to find another way in. Defeat wasn't an option. "Over here!" Maggie called, running over to the viewing glass shooting it to make an entrance. We climbed our through, shooting the now walkers. Hershel was above us, wresting with one. "Daddy!" Maggie cried, the moment she saw Hershel. She immediately began to aim at the walker, struggling to keep on it. "No! You could hit the bag. We need it for Glenn."

I grabbed my knife, getting ready to throw it. I lined it up just perfectly enough I wouldn't get Hershel or the bag. I steadied myself for a split second and threw it. Killing the walker instantly. "Where is he?" Maggie asked, panicked.

"Here's up here. Cell 100."

"Okay Val, I'll take it from here you need to rest and I'm not taking no for an answer." I didn't argue back, I felt myself becoming extremely nauseous. I ran out of the there soon afterwards. Finding one of those sickness bags, that you would get if you got carsick. I threw up the moment I grabbed it.

The moment I could take a breath again, was when I went straight to cell, kicked off my boots and laid down. The moment my head hit the pillow I passed out almost instantly.


Daryl's POV:

We were finally on our way back with the antibiotics. Almost got died trying to save Bob from some damn walkers. And for what? To find out he couldn't leave a bag that only had alcohol in it. We risked our lives and the people back the prison for some damn alcohol. If only Val was here right now, she'd be pretty pissed off. I still felt guilty about how I left things with her. All I could was that she was at least okay, even if she was still pissed with me or not. I didn't expect her to forgive me, but I hoped we could at least mend things. I just hoped I could talk to her. That's all I wanted now, that we were on our way back to the prison.


We got back by nightfall, Tyreese and Bob got the meds to Hershel as soon as I pulled up. I immediately went to find Val. I checked with Hershel first, she wasn't in Cell block A. Which only meant she was still okay. She hadn't gotten sick like everyone else. I went straight to the cell she sleeps in, finding her in the bed, sleeping peacefully, with one of those vomit bags in her hand. I began to worry something was wrong. She was sick but not like the rest of them. "She's been vomiting a lot these past couple of days. She said it's been on and off for the past few weeks." Maggie told me when she saw me sitting there watching over Val. I didn't say anything, I just there, tracing circles on Val's hand. "She's been asking a lot if you had gotten back yet."

"She has?"

"Of course she has. It doesn't matter how mad you make her, she'll still miss you."

"We didn't really leave on good terms." I muttered.

"So? She loves you and right now she needs you by her side." Maggie stated, before walking away leaving me alone with Val.

I kicked off my boots and crawled into bed with her. Right now I didn't care if Rick might see us, I just wanted to be next to her. "Daryl?" Val asked, groggily. Clearly just waking up. "Yeah, it's me. Go back to sleep. I'll be right here." I muttered, soon hearing her soft snores once again.


Val's POV:

I woke up that next morning with an arm around my waist. I can recognise that tattoo anywhere. I look behind me and there laid Daryl, sound asleep. The vomit bag I had in my hand was gone by the time I woke up. I'm guessing Daryl had thrown it away before he fell asleep beside me, or maybe even Maggie stopped by and took it from me.

I rolled over to face him, snuggling in to kiss him on the lips. I didn't want what was said out of spite ruin things between us. I noticed his eyes flutter, and huff as he began to wake up. "Morning beautiful." He muttered, kissing me again. "Morning handsome," I whispered back with a smile.

"Maggie told me ye having been feeling well."

"I've just been vomiting these past couple of days nothing major."

"Ye told her it's been on and off the past few weeks. Why haven't ye told me?"

"It was only in the mornings. I was sneaking out. I was back before you would even wake up."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought it would go away but it hasn't."

"I wasn't trying to hide it from you. I just hoped it would go away."

"Okay. I get that." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry about what I said to ye before I left."

"It's fine Daryl."

"But it's not. I shouldn't had said what I did."

"It's fine really. We both said some shitty things, it wasn't just you."

"I love you Valentina Grimes." He muttered.

"I love you Daryl Dixon." I muttered back, with a small smile on my face.

That moment didn't last very long before I was sprinting out to run outside. I didn't realise Daryl had followed after me, until I felt a hand on my back, while I kept hold of my hair on one side. Out of the way.


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