Chapter Thirty Six 🦋

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Daryl's POV:

I hear the walkie chime in, "we're at red at the bottom of the hill." Sasha's voice stated as it came through the radio. "alright here comes the parade." I replied back. I could feel Val's grip become even tighter. After all this time I've never known her to be this nervous. But I guess there was more at stake with her being out here. I had told her not to come, to stay back just like Maggie is. But she didn't want to listen. She was firm on her decision. Yet she calls me the stubborn one. I laughed to myself. "What's so funny?" She questioned, immediately.

"Its nothin' sunshine." I replied with a smile even though she wouldn't be able to see it right now. "uh huh sure." She muttered, giggling lightly. Even in the most serious situations she still finds the light amongst all the darkness. She is my light. Always will be.


Val's POV:

I was just doing my daily walk, strolling around with Judith. Covering all of our grounds. I looked over to the gate, noticing an unknown car pulling in after clearly being interrogated by Eugene. I walked closer, wanting to get a better look. I noticed a familiar face appear. But I couldn't pinpoint how I knew the young female that stood beside the black man that I was yet to meet. The moment I spotted Vanessa run up to the young girl, pulling her in for a hug the moment she was close enough. 'oh shit' I thought to myself. I walked closer and closer. So much closer that I was now right next to them. "Ellie?" I questioned, catching her attention, taking it away from Vanessa. "Holy shit Valentina Grimes, long time no see!" She cheered.

Eleanor Patterson, Vanessa's little sister. I was in shock. The last time I had seen this girl I was about 17/18 years old. She would have only been at least 12. God it's definitely been a long damn time. "I know, I've missed out on a lot." I stated, pulling Ellie into a hug. "Jesus, Val did you get knocked up?" Ellie laughed. Erupting the three of us into laughter. "I sure did." I giggled, seeing Daryl make his way over to me out of the corner of my eye. I look directly at him with a wide smile. "And there is the culprit walking over here now," I laughed.

"Oh... Valley, he's... woah." Vanessa whispered.

"Oh I know, ness. I know." I giggled.

"Hey sunshine." He greeted, walking straight up to me. Pulling me in by my waist, planting a kiss on my lips. "Ness, Ellie, this is Daryl." I introduced with the widest smile I could have. "So you're the one that knocked up my best friend?" Vanessa asked, jokingly raising her eyebrow at him. "Er yes..." Daryl replied, fidgeting a little. I could tell he was feeling a little intimidated.

"Okay, okay so let me get this straight... do you love her? And I mean really love her even all her crazy, psychotic rampages." Vanessa asked. I shook my head at her. "What do ye mean crazy, psychotic rampages?" Daryl questioned, becoming genuinely concern. "you know like her throwing knives at the girls you look at or getting into nasty fights with someone."

"Vanessa that's enough. She's just trying to freak you out Dare. I promise I'm not a psycho."

"maybe not a psycho but you can be pretty scary sometimes. Remember when we were 15 and this girl kept picking on you, calling you all these names and you-"

"Vanessa seriously, enough! I mean it." I scolded. I knew exactly what she was referring to, I didn't want Daryl to know. "okay okay. I'm just saying that I know how you can be. I was surprised at how much control Shane had on you."

"Because I lost my touch okay? Especially when Carl came into the picture. I don't need my nephew to see me like that. Ever. Not then and not now. Nor will this baby ever know that side of me."

"That Val is long gone. And that's the way I want it." I huffed, pulling out of Daryl's arm, and stormed away. Leaving the three of them completely shocked. It was now only time for Daryl to come after me, asking questions.


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