Chapter Seventeen 🦋

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Val's POV:

It was a lot all of it. We took some of the people from the hospital hostage, people dressed in police uniform. We were hoping to make a trade. It didn't end the way we had hoped. It was all just a blur. We managed to get Carol back safe and sound, if only I could say the same about Beth. Seeing Daryl carry her lifeless body out and hearing Maggie's heartbreaking cries. I felt so numb. Before she died, I told her I was pregnant but the happiness soon after when we were told her friend Noah had to stay back. That's when it happened. The gunshot rang out, I watched her drop to the ground after only just talking to her. I couldn't blame Daryl for what he did next. I would've done the same if I was frozen with shock.

While we were gone, the church got overrun thanks to Gabriel, turned out Eugene had been lying to everyone. We got to Richmond, Noah wanted to go to his old community. There was nothing there, and along the way we lost Tyreese, he got bit. From there we started our journey to Washington. There wasn't much else left for us here, Daryl and I weren't talking. I knew he was dealing with things, but we haven't spoken since that night at the church. I didn't know if I wanted to be pissed off or hurt that he just hasn't spoken to me, not even a simple hello.

I was starting to show now, my belly was growing every day. I didn't think I was far enough along for the size of my bump. Right now I wasn't sure if Daryl wanted to be apart of it, our baby's life. For now I was going to leave him be, let him deal with whatever he needs dealing with.

We ran out of gas so now we were walking the rest of the way. Daryl was pulling himself away, Sasha and Maggie weren't any better and I couldn't blame them. I could hear the moans and groans come from the undead stumbling behind us. None of us had the strength to deal with them, we were all exhausted, hungry, thirsty. It got to the point though where we needed to deal with them. I stayed out of the way though. I didn't have the energy to fight.

Sasha killed the pack of dogs that came up on us, cooked them and ate them, much to my dismay I was too hungry to turn it down. As the thunder rumbled, it was clear that it was going to rain soon, a storm was brewing. "You okay?" Rick asked in a whisper. "I'm fine." I muttered quietly as I nodded my head lightly. He knew it wasn't true, but I couldn't be bothered with telling him the truth. I glanced over at Daryl, my heart ached for him. It didn't matter how angry I could be with him, I would never stop caring about him or loving him.


We walked some more again, my legs still felt like jelly. I couldn't lie I was miserable. The one person I wanted right now, was pulling himself away from everyone. I looked back, noticing Daryl and Glenn talking, as Glenn offered him water. He then said something to Abraham before walking off. I thought about it for a short second, before deciding to follow him. I didn't know if it was smart to, but I didn't care at the minute, I wanted to check on him, needed to check on him.

I wandered a little trying to find him, until I spotted him sitting down by some trees, burning his cigarette into his hand. The closer I got the clearer I could hear the soft sobs leave his mouth. I didn't say a word, I just walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders gently so that he knew it wasn't life threatening. I planted a light kiss on the top of his head, letting him know that it was me standing behind him.

He looked up with his sad eyes, he looked as broken as he did when he lost Merle. That's how I knew something was wrong. I kept planting kisses on his head, still holding onto him the way was only now he held onto my hands holding them close to his chest. "I'm here if you wanna talk Dare." I whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. He nodded his lightly just as I did to my own brother.


We took a small moment longer before re-joining the group I knew they would think we were looking for water when in reality Daryl finally let his emotions run free, just that others can't know. When we returned, there was a package of water sitting in the middle of the road and a note that read: from a friend. To be safe we left it all there. Not knowing if it was safe to drink or who left it was a threat to us or not.

Thunder rumbled soon rain started to pour down, everyone were so excited, well not really everyone. I wrapped my arms around Daryl's waist knowing he still needed comfort. He pulled me in close, holding me tightly as the rain poured down on us while some of the others enjoyed it. Which turned to, trying to fill whatever we had with the rainwater but as the thunder continued, it was only time that we would need to get under some shelter. "Let's keep moving." My brother instructed.

"there's a barn." Daryl stated.

"where?" my brother questioned. We showed everyone the way, soon rushing inside the barn, Daryl and I spotted earlier after we got the all clear.


We sat around the newly made fire, I sat in-between Daryl's legs, resting my head against his chest, as I traced my finger along the cigarette burned hand. I looked up at him with a small smile on my face, he leaned planting a kiss on my lips. Something I've been longing for a while now. "I love ye," he muttered softly, planting a kiss on my head. As happy I was in this moment, I could still something was up with him. "what are you worried about?" I questioned. He looked at me for a moment thinking if he was going to tell me, until he said, "It's nothin'." He huffed.

"It's something not nothing. Dare tell me. Please."

"it's just I don' know if I'll be a good dad." He muttered.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I don' know, I didn' want ya worrying."

"Dare, it wouldn't worry me if you told me how you were feeling, I worried more when you weren't telling anything. We're in this together. Okay?"

"okay." He mumbled.

"I love you Daryl Dixon."

"I love you Valentina Grimes." He replied but paused for a moment. "nah grimes still doesn't sound right." He chuckled lightly, the first I heard him chuckle in a while. I heard him digging for something in his pocket, before showing me whatever it was in his hand. A ring. A knotted heart design. "what's this for?" I asked, confused.

"I know it's probably not what ye would have wanted but... I told ye I was gonna change yer name one day."

"Wait are you asking me to marry you?" he nodded his head, he wasn't very good at things like this, honestly I never expected this from him. "Daryl, this is everything I could have wanted." I giggled, allowing him to put the ring on my finger. "one day I'll find ye another one."

"Dare, I love whatever you give me, this ring is perfect enough."

"Nah, I'm gonna find ye another one." He stated. I laughed at his determination.


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