Chapter 59 • Welcome Back

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Xavion's Pov.

Leaning back in my office chair, I look at the pile of mail I've received since I was gone. There are about eight stacks, all of which are a couple of feet tall. It's been a week since I've been discharged from the hospital, and I've been working over eighteen hours a day to try and catch up on all of the work that Alec or Quinn weren't able to complete for one reason or another. 

Reaching forward, I take something off the newest stack and notice it's a postcard. This can't be from Alec, as he's been here the whole time. The front of it is a picture of a church in the Feon Pack, across the ocean, with the quote 'The Birthplace of the Moon Goddess'. I wonder... I flip it over and see a nicely written note-

Dear Xavion,

I hope you're doing well. I apologize if this postcard is hard to read because I'm just so excited- I found my mate! It's a crazy story, I was crying in the middle of a park and this gorgeous man approached me. My wolf began yelling at me and I just smelt the most wonderful scent known to wolf-kind. Looking up, I locked eyes with him and felt my heart skip a beat. We were like- "Omg, mates!" I'm so happy and just wanted to let you know that this would've never happened without you, so thank you, for everything. I'll make sure to invite you to our wedding! And I truly wish you well with your mate.

Sincerely, Delilah Von Winters

P.S. You better invite me to your wedding

A smile appears on my face as I read through the note. Delilah really did it, she found her mate. Her dream came true. 

I carefully set down the postcard and turn my chair around to look outside. I've been regretting so much, but some good did come out of the mission. I mean, I found my mate, destroyed a large portion of the drug empire, exposed my own agency, and then Delilah found her mate in the aftermath. It doesn't make up for the unnecessary deaths, but I can't change the past. I will make sure those who were lost will not be forgotten.

Searching through my mounds of papers, I find Gamma Quinn's retirement papers and pull them out, setting them on my desk. She hasn't harassed me about retiring, instead, she's been concerned about getting me up to speed on everything going on. It's a lot to handle, but I think I have a good handle on things now. It's time.

Putting my signature on the first few pages, I set them off to the side and then come upon the last page where I can put whatever I want. Tapping my pen on my chin, I think for a moment before writing a laundry list of stuff. 

She will get a hefty pension that increases yearly with inflation rates, a residence where she desires, money for her kids and their kids to go to school and a sum of money for retiring. If she wants me to add anything else before signing her portion, I will more than gladly add it. She's been working here for so long, it's the least I can do. 

The door to my office suddenly opens and I look around the papers to see my brother, Alec, waltzing in. "Hey Alpha-man, how's it feel being back in the office?" he asks, taking a seat across from me, a small smirk on his face. He was the pack's temporary alpha, he should know how I'm doing if the papers aren't making it obvious.

"Oh you know, living the dream," I chuckle, putting Quinn's papers into the 'needs signature' pile, "how's it feel going back to a carefree lifestyle?" I joke. If it wasn't for him, I feel like Gamma Quinn would've quit on the spot.

Alec shrugs, "It's not all that it seems, I feel pretty unimportant compared to you," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

I didn't expect to hear that. "You're not unimportant, we just serve different purposes in the pack. I feel like a boring person compared to you. You got to go out and see the world, and experience cultures I have never even heard of while I sit in an office most of the day, and the times I don't, I'm out giving the same speech over and over again," I ramble. I am jealous of my little brother, but what can I say? He got lucky and I'm happy for him.

"I see," Alec laughs, covering his mouth, "I never expected to hear that from you, but I'm glad I got to." He looks over at my papers and scoots the chair up, "Would you like some assistance?" he asks, clearing out a small area on the desk.

"I would definitely appreciate it."

Hours go by as Alec assists me, asking questions if he's unable to understand what something means or handing it off to me because I have to sign it. The only thing that makes us take a break is a phone call from the hospital, letting me know that Yoi has woken up. I leave the papers I was working on, on the desk and put on a coat, rushing to the hospital.

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