Chapter 16 • Good Morning

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Emery's POV

My eyes slowly open up to darkness, I blink a few times to make sure I'm not going blind. No, it's just still night time. Bummer, I was hoping to get some more sleep. I roll over and pick up my charged phone to check the time. The bright screen blinds me, but eventually they adjust and I see it's only 5am. Okay, not as bad as I though.

I flip the phone over so the screen's light shines in Alpha Xavion's direction, seeing he's still sound asleep. Now that I think about it, he was acting kind of weird yesterday with the sniffing me and all. Once I showered, he appeared calm. Hm, so some time between the gas station and meeting up with him, I picked up a smell only he can detect.

Well, as long as it doesn't happen again, then I won't look into it. I just hope it's not the drug... I still cannot believe he actually took it. He leaves his potion for the first time ever and thinks he's invincible. Granted, he nearly is, but he's not supposed to be undercover.

I let out a faint sigh, not feeling tired anymore. Looks like I woke myself up, I sit up and put on some cloths since I just sleep in my boxers. Hearing outside, I take in a deep breath, smelling the morning air. It's a nice change from the musty camper.

"Yer up," I jump back and hit my back on the camper, startled by the voice. I look back and see the older lady approaching me, "I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to startle you hun," she laughs, "would you like to share some morning tea with me?" She asks.

"Yes, that'd be lovely," I smile as I follow her to the back porch that faces the creek. She heads inside and a couple minutes later comes out with two mugs of hot tea.

She places them both on a small table and takes a seat on a rocking chair. I take a seat on the other one and pick up one of the cups, taking a big whiff of the drink, I miss having morning coffee or tea back at the pack house. Jeez, I can't believe I actually miss doing my job sometimes, but all of the stress from this investigation is getting to me.

Taking a sip, I immediately recognize the kind of tea, "Chai," I smile. It's slightly sweetened, which I don't mind, but usually the spice is enough flavor for me.

She nods, rocking back and forth, "Yes! I'm surprised you knew it, most folks around here are uncultured. They're so used to sweet tea," she says, taking a sir from her own mug. "So what're you planning on doing while stuck here?"

I take a moment to think, then sigh, "I'm honestly not sure what there is to do," I look down at my drink. I don't want to just sit around a do nothing, but that might be what we have to do. "My friend wants to get out a do stuff, I'm not sure how to accomplish that here," I add, knowing Alpha Xavion won't sit still. He's probably trying to think of ways to get out of here, but we aren't leaving without the car we were loaned.

"Well, if your friend would like, he can tag along with my husband to his job. He's a construction worker and would appreciate the help. I'd offer for you to tag along, but there's only room for one more in his truck," she says, setting down her drink as she stares out into the wilderness across the stream.

Huh, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I get some alone time and he get some experience in jobs outside of his own. Though, do I really trust him enough to let him be on his own? He's an adult, he can handle it. "That sounds good, perhaps I can help with getting my car fixed," I tell her, thinking of Yoi.

I'm not going to lie, I like her a little bit. I smile, looking down at my cup, maybe she would appreciate the help. "Oh dear, Yoi is pretty independent and her boyfriend is..." she trails off, having a sad tone. Boyfriend? Shit, I didn't think about that. Now I feel like an idiot- but wait, whyd she stop there? "I'm not fond of him, sometimes we hear him screaming at her and the kiddos."

She has kids too? No, that doesn't matter, I feel bad that she's dealing with verbal abuse. That wouldn't be tolerated back at the pack house, but well, this isn't the pack house. "Are her and her kids okay?" I ask, taking another sip of my tea.

"Oh no, they aren't her kids. Mitchell was found in the city, surrounded by his dead parents. The cops believed that they were mugged then killed... then there's Shilo, his mother dropped him off with Yoi to babysit him, but then she ran away and we never saw her again," wow that's a lot to take in. It makes me happy to hear how sweet she is though, contrary to her preserved personality I experienced. "As for her boyfriend, we have tried to talk to her about him, but she just changes the topic, I really wish she would leave him," she closes her eyes for a few moments, only to open them and look at me, "if you'd like to help her, I'm sure she would need some convincing."

Oh, I almost forgot about that- but I'm still interesting in helping her if I can. "Yes, I'd like that," I smile, finishing up my drink, "I suppose I'll start heading over that way then, thank you for the drink and words," I give her a small bow and turn around to go leave Asher a note.

"What an interesting boy," I hear her say behind me. Perhaps I did act too proper for my current identity, but that shouldn't be an issue. Many people are cultured and we are only strangers passing through this town for all they know.

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