Chapter 53 • Gone

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Xavion's Pov.

The light shines down through the leaves above me, lighting my way through the forest. My wolf is sniffing the area, freaking out about his mate. He wanted out and he got his way. I figured there wasn't much he could do while we waited, but it doesn't hurt because I'd lose my mind just sitting around doing nothing.

For the past three hours, we have been trucking through the forest, following nothing. Although I'm wondering why he's going in this direction, but my wolf isn't communicating with me, just leaving me alone in my own head.

I don't like how fast things went downhill. It's like one step forward and three steps back. The NIB is helping me the best they can, but I feel like all of their plans end in some sort of failure. For now, they're just my backup incase I'm unable to save Yoi and escape. If anything, they should be tracking me right now.

The ringing of Yoi's phone catches my attention and I forcefully shift back. Checking the messages, I see one from an unknown number, "Call the attached number at midnight for an address. Do so in the middle of nowhere and have no one around. If directions are not followed, then you know what will happen." Followed by a foreign phone number. Sighing, I look up at the sky, the sun will set soon so that leaves me with at least six hours to go. Time is passing far too slow for me right now.

Putting the phone into my bag, I shift back and keep aimless searching for miles. 'What are you following?' I ask my wolf, dreading the boredom and anxiety.

He huffs, constantly snapping his head around. 'I feel her,' is all he says, keeping his focus.

That's annoying. 'How so? If they were smart they would've taken her far away and I doubt her scent is in this forest,' I try to reason his insanity.

'The matebond, I feel it. She is ahead, far ahead. Maybe twenty miles,' he estimates, going back to ignoring me immediately afterwards.

Huh, I didn't know he could do that. We could've used that the last few times... but I suppose the dire circumstances are on her more than me this time. I'll just let him do his thing then, the text never specified what I had to do up until midnight.

Time passes slowly as the sun finally sets and we are left with only the moonlight lighting our way. It's nearly a full moon tonight, beautiful is you ask me. There's not much I can do as a conscience in my wolf's mind except think to myself or forcefully shift back into my human form.

'We are close, we need to save her-'

'Yes, but don't go any closer. We don't know what we are up against. We keep our distance, but inspect the area,' I reason, ready to shift back incase he tries to be irrational.

He takes a seat, lowering his head. 'I see... you can take control. I'll only get Yoi killed. I'll be here if you need my strength,' he says before letting me take control. I decide not to shift back, using my wolf form for the first time in a long time. Normally, he takes control when I shift and I'm in control as a human.

I decide to keep going forward, keeping an eye out for any cameras or lights in the distance. Judging by the lit up clouds in the distance, we are only a few miles away from our destination.

Shifting going forward, I eventually reached a point where I can barely see a building barely between the trees. From what I can see, it's a two story concrete building, surrounded by razor wire fences, possibly electrified. This one is much more built up than the previous buildings, I wonder what this place houses besides hostages.

That doesn't matter right now, I have one focus, and one focus only- Yoi. She's got to be in there, but will this be the place they want to meet me? It'd be too dangerous for them if it houses anything important. There's too many variables for me to be able to tell.

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