Chapter 14 • Mechanicing

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Emery's POV

Watching Asher go off in the weird old guy's truck, I truly wonder if he will be okay. He's not great at dealing with situations and I feel like he will revert back to being Alpha if someone manages to corner him enough. Though, if I had to guess anything, the old man is being genuine, he's just stern.

Turning towards the old building, painted white, but it's chipping to reveal the dark brick underneath in some places. It's kind of cute, in an abandonded building kind of way. Urban exploring is quite fun after all.

Sighing, I head towards the only door I see. This is not something I'd like to deal with, but we have to get it done if we want to get through this investigation victorious. If we don't, I know that Alpha Xavion won't be happy and may get depressed. This is his first time living like a somewhat normal person, perhaps, if he would like, I'd show him how I live one day.

I'm enjoying the fact that I can act normal around Asher right now. I've always been so uptight around Alpha Xavion, because it's my job and that's what I was taught to do when I was in training for my job. I'm truly honored to be where I am now.

Opening the creaky wooden door, I enter the shop floor and see a couple vehicles taken apart. They're quite old like the rest of them in town, ours fits in quite nicely, I chuckle to myself.

"The hell are you?" Someone says from behind and I jump slightly, not sensing a presence near me. Turning around, I face a shorter girl with black hair that faded to white, light skin covered in oil, grey blue eyes that could pierce someone, and a mechanic's outfit. Quite shockingly, she looks about the same age as me. "So?" She questions, putting her hands on her hip.

I perk up, now interested, "Hi, I'm Emery. My friend and I were passing through when our car broke down, the older gentleman at the gas station brought us here and said this place could fix it," I quickly say, wanting to hear her voice again.

She crosses her arms, glaring up at me, "I'm not interested in helping outsiders," she states, perhaps waiting for me to leave now.

Shit, we need to get it fixed. "I mean we will pay you-"

The girl cuts me off, "Still. Not. Interested." She reaches behind her back and I quickly back off, having a bad feeling. From what I've learned on this trip, way too many people own guns.

As I guessed, she holds up a pistol and flicks off the safety switch. I hold up my hands and back up slowly, "I'm sorry, but I'm also begging you," I say desperately, shutting my eyes.

She groans and I barely open my eyes to see her lowering her weapon, "I'm not fucking interested, what hell is wrong with your car anyways?" She asks, frowning. So much anger is someone so small.

Opening my eyes all the way, I lower my arms so they're by my side. By no means do I want to look threatening and get shot at- again. At this range and in this space, I probably wouldn't make it without either getting hurt or revealing my identity if I chose to protect myself. "The old gentleman said a transmission issue.. it's a manual and my friend drove it," I pause, looking away, "he just learned how to drive manual today," I laugh nervously.

She raises an eyebrow, one with a slit from a scar from who knows what. Makes her look a little intimidating. "Genkins ain't no fuckin' gentleman," she states, taking a seat on a small rolling chair, "also, you and your friend sound like idiots. Him for driving a manual long distances without knowing how, and you for letting him do that," she states the obvious harshly.

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