Chapter 33 • Day One

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Once Yoi is finished with scolding Emery, she doesn't bother with me and turns on some rock music from her phone. Emery is in the back, asleep from the pain medications and I'm here, just staring at the scenery around me.

"Hey," Yoi speaks up and I look over to see her looking at me, "is your phone dead or something? You can use my charger," she says, unplugging her phone to hand it to me. I'm not going to put my hand near hers, I'm fine being within a close vicinity to her, but who knows what would happen at that point.

"No, it's charged," I say, pulling out my fake phone to check, "I'm just enjoying the view. I don't get to this often," I tell her honestly. For me, this is a once in an opportunity lifetime to just enjoy the views. It's not much, but I appreciate all the forests and small towns we have passed. If only I could let my wolf out, it's been awhile and he's restless.

She plugs her phone back in, "You really shouldn't do this to Emery," she changes the topic, startling me, "he's not a bad guy, but you're forcing him into this," she assumes confidently. My wolf howls in jealously, but as for me, I know she's right. I did drag him into this and practically forced him to take the drugs. He only came to keep an eye on me because I'm not used to being a normal person.

"He's not, if he wants to go, then I'll let him," I tell her, laying my head against the headrest, closing my eyes. The stress and guilt is eating me from the inside.

Yoi has a puzzled look on her face, but quickly shakes it off, "I'm going to stop at a gas station, we need gas," she quickly says, looking around the sizable town we are in. She yoinks the van into a chain gas station and parks by a pump, quickly leaving to go inside without even turning off the car.

Looking over at the dash, I see that we are at three-quarters of a tank since we stopped not too long ago. Huh, it's just an excuse I guess, maybe she's tired. "Emery," I speak up and he wakes up, "you want to drive, or me?" I ask, giving him the chance to not suffer from my driving, especially with a vehicle this big.

He grumbles, bit eventually sits up, "I will, I feel much better now," he says, stretching his limbs, "Are you okay?" He asks, yawning.

"Yeah, but I'm feeling anxious," I pause, realizing why. Now that Yoi isn't here, I'm freaking out. "Fuck," I grit my teeth, opening the passenger door and hopping out to get a breath of fresh air. I hold onto the side of vehicle and I'm bent over, heavily breathing.

Emery exit the vehicle and rushes to my side, "Hey, hey," he shakes my shoulder, "What's gotten into you?" He asks, sounding worried.

I take a seat on the concrete, gripping my hair tightly, "I'm losing it," I whisper, knowing he can hear me, "like I did before!"

Emery lifts me up by my armpits and stands me up so we are facing each other, "She will be back soon, don't worry," he coos, letting me lean onto the van.

I breath heavily, concentrating on keeping my wolf in check. "Yeah, sure," I mutter, opening the door to the passenger seat so I can sit back down. My legs are barely keeping me up right now.

A few more minutes pass and I'm covered in sweat. "Okay, where the fuck is she?" I question, grabbing my dyed hair and pulling it slightly. Emery looks towards the entrance of the gas station, looking for Yoi. "Let's just... go check on her," I huff as I jump out of the seat.

Emery wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Fine, fine," he says, leading the way towards the minimart. We enter the double doors and looks around, not seeing Yoi in any of the small isles that e tower over.

Pulling Emery's arms off me, I approach the counter and a young female with a red shirt and name tag that reads 'Emmie' looks up at me, her eyes going wide, "What can I do foe you, handsome?" She asks, leaning forward with a smile.

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