Chapter 29 • Drug Den

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Asher's Pov.

"My name is Graham," the man says, getting comfortable in his chair, "I do not trust you two, honestly, I think it's weird that a couple of newbies show up out of nowhere and entered a small town, Vectorville to be exact, and then that youngin' suddenly gave you my contact. Of course that was her mistake, but I will put my faith in my underlings and proceed after we take a walk," he stands up, placing his hands on his desk, "Are you two up for it?" He asks, looking over at Emery who is in his own world and very high. Just don't shift, that's all I ask of you.

I stand up, making sure to shake Emery's shoulder, "Stop thinking about the paperwork we have back at the office, we have some business to conduct," I tell him.

Emery looks up at me, no shine in his eyes. I'm so sorry, you're my Beta and I shouldn't have put you in that position. "Yes sir," he says, slowly standing up.

"Good boy," I smirk, giving his back a slap, "we are good for a walk," I tell Graham. I don't know how well Emery is doing right now, but the drug should force him to listen to me.

Graham walks around the desk, his bodyguards following him closely while also keeping an eye on us. "Good, then off we go," he says, opening the elevator door.

All five of us enter, slightly crammed in with Emery and I shoved into a corner. "Floor negative one," Graham tells his guard, who presses the button to the basement. I noticed them on the way to his office, there are three basement floors in total. Though I didn't go for them because that would have been suspicious.

We all patiently wait, listening to the not-so-calming elevator music. Finally, the elevator has its final dings and the door automatically open to a garage -looking area.

Exiting, I take a quick glance around. Concrete walls, floor and ceiling, with various cars filling the room. Most of them are mid-range models, nonsuspecting of ordinary drug dealers, but nothing to indicate there is a big boss here. Graham may be the boss, but he's not one of the big bosses. Figures, this is menial business for this whole drug company.

"This is our parking garage, not much to see here, but in the back," he points to three sets of garage doors at the end of the room, "we have our own little mechanic shop."

My gut wrenches, having a bad feeling. Oh please do not tell me what I'm thinking. "That's quite interesting, if I may ask, why not just go to a normal shop?" I question, curious. There's bound to be a shop that'd take care of their vehicles for a little extra money, surely less than what it would've cost to build this down here.

He looks back at me, over his shoulder, "Yes, it is quite unique, but it makes our lives much easier. We had some extra money in the budget we needed to spend before the end of the year, y'know?" He smiles, turning his head back.

"Ah, yes, we did that as well. We spent it on comfier chairs and a dinner," I lie. So, this organization has been here for more than a year, possibly a few. That's longer than any of us had assumed.

We finally reach a side door and I take a sniff of the air, checking for a certain someone. Thankfully, her scent isn't here. That's good to hear, I suppose. Graham types in a code and we all enter a shop with a few people inside. They all look over in our direction and immediately stand up straight when they see Graham.

"Hey boys, good work," Graham says, crossing his arms, "I'm just showing some folks around, please, continue."

The workers go back to their vehicles, but keep glancing over in our general direction. Graham takes the lead and brings us to a large, black van with tinted windows. This thing looks like it would have people inside telling kids that they have candy, it's creepy, but nicely taken care of.

"Here we have one of our transporting vans," Graham brings up, leaning against the hood. I raise my eyebrow slightly, wondering why he brought us here. "If you would like to make a deal with me, then you'll have to do something for me," he says, a dark look in his eyes.

Oh shit, looks like this isn't going to end today. "If I'm able to do it, then I will," I respond, knowing we need more information than what we have. This is only a small branch, and if we can get more, then I'll take the opportunity.

'Icarus... flew too close to the sun,' I hear Emery's voice echo through my head. He's severely slouched over right now, but it seems like he's still able to have some amount of thought.

'Do not worry,' I reply, not wanting to look too suspicious by staying quiet.

Graham taps his fingers against the hood, making a small amount of noise, "Well, we need someone to pickup goods from Valli Valley. A new product has appeared that I believe will be worth your while, if you're willing," he says. His guards are standing beside him, poker faces still on.

"Will it increase our production?" I question him, wondering what could be worse than Better. This is big news, bigger than anything the NIB has uncovered.

Graham nods, "Yes, by two fold. If you complete this transport, then I'll make a deal with you. Granted, I will also require you to bring someone, cause you're strangers," he smirks.

That catch is big one, for us at least. Valli Valley is a two day trip one way out west, leaving our identity prone if we are not careful. "And how much will I get in return for this favor?" I ask, wondering if he'd force us to do it for free in order to obtain his trust.

"Of course not," he waves his hand, "you will get a month's supply of the new product in return, and if you do well, we may be able to do more business." Jackpot, this is perfect.

"I agree to your conditions, is there a contract I need to sign?" I ask, wondering how far they'll go.

A bodyguard pulls out a folder and hands it to Graham, who carefully takes it. The opens it and sets a few pages aside, then waves me over. I walk over to the hood of the vehicle and look down, wondering just how much I have to sign. "There are two pages you need to sign," he says, sliding over the two.

I pick them up and quickly read over them, wondering what they'd put in the contract. Most of it talks about our deal, he definitely created this before we got here, and what will happen if we decide to not comply. To put it simply, we are dead if we do not complete this order. Not like we have a choice, pretty sure they'd try to kill us if we tried to leave now.

"Do you have a pen?" I ask politely, needing something to sign with.

Graham pulls one out from his pocket and hands it over, "You'd think a businessman would carry a pen," he comments, looking over at the papers I'm about to sign.

I let out a light chuckle, "I was bound to forget it on an important day." I sign my name on the two pages and give them back to Graham, "here you go, when will we leave?"

He puts the papers back in the folders and hands it to one of the bodyguards, "Tomorrow, you may need some time to recover after the celebration we will be having tonight," he claps his hands together, looking quite excited.

I may or may not have forgotten what I said earlier, about taking the drugs once our business is complete.

Author's Note: Can't come up with a name for a city? Just call it Valli Valley (rip my nonexistant creativity)

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