Chapter 27 • Shitbox

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Xavion's Pov.

Finally, the conference has ended. All questions have been answered and quite easily I might add. Nobody seemed to be doubtful to our reasoning of being absent, at least not openly. I have no doubt that there will probably be a few articles out there with complex conspiracy theories, but I also highly doubt any of them will get close to the real reason we have been gone.

Now we are driving back to the NIB building to get back in diguise, making sure to let Detective Milo know not to post anyone at the gate, for ease of access.

Beta Aryan is the driver this time, mostly because I can't focus on a single thought in my head. I know I went crazy with just the scent of Yoi from her workplace, but I honestly thought I'd never see her. I don't believe in fate, but it sure is cruel timing. Her long black hair that fades into white and her dull, blue eyes, I saw everything. I also felt something- and I don't even know how that's possible. She just felt so... desperate and scared. Then she ran away, as fast as she could through the crowd. It hurt me, I won't even deny it.

"I'm sorry," Aryan speaks up, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I hope you're doing okay," he adds, gulping nervously.

I lean my head against the window, watching the trees race fast me from the fast speed he's going. "I'm not, the more I see my mate, the more I feel towards her and the less I feel towards my fiancée. I'm losing myself," I trail off, letting it all out. It's true, my emotions are shifting against my will. My wolf is taking over and I'm worried that one day I'll fall out of love with Delilah.

Beta Aryan let's out a sigh, "I cannot imagine how difficult it is for you right now, but remember what Delilah said, she will respect you decision. If you want to stay with her, you have to go against your nature and reject your mate, if you can," he states, turning down the radio. "What was it like seeing your mate?" He asks out of curiousity.

Not an appropriate time, but I understand why he's asking. "It was nerve-wracking, I felt butterflies in my stomach and I could-" I pause remembering her feelings, "I could feel her emotions. She was scared and desperate. That's all I got before she ran off. She knows that I'm her mate, so what is she going to do now?" I question, closing my eyes. If she went to the press, there would be a whole story about this whether they believe her or not.

"I have a feeling she's not going to do anything crazy. The time I spent with her she was reserved and thought her actions through. Though, she may have changed when she found you," he points out. "Anyways, here we are," he pulls through to the unmanned gate and enters the NIB's property. Wow, time sure flew by.

We change back into our diguises, making sure to dye our hair and cover our scents. Before we leave, I give the luxury car and hug, promising I'll come back for it eventually. She's such a beauty and now that I can drive it- I want it. Perhaps Detective Milo will be nice enough to give it to me.

"C'mon," Emery chuckles, placing his hand on my shoulder, "the day after tomorrow we have the deal and we shoulder rest and prepare as much as possible," he states, slowly pulling me away.

I groan, but ultimately agree with him. "Yeah, yeah, you got the keys to our quote on quote car," I say, quoting with my fingers. In addition to getting that sports car, I will gladly take this shitbox off their hands and burn it, or blow it up with tanerite. Whatever the case may be, it will not survive my wrath.

We get back to our special car and head to a cheap BBQ place to get some late night dinner to get our minds off today. Going back to my old self was refreshing and reminded me who I'm doing this for- all of those people out there, maybe even Yoi.

"So, what do you think she's doing here?" I question as the hostess takes us to a booth and we order some drinks. A little alcohol won't hurt.

Emery looks up at me from the menu, a little confused. "What do you mean?" He replies, looking around.

Perhaps I should've been more specific, "I mean in the city," I look down at my menu, attempting to multitask, "she left her little town early to come here, but why would a small town girl come to the big city?" I add more details. It's true, the thought has been lingering in the back of my head. The people of that town don't seem to be the type to leave, especially to come here.  "She said in her note that she had to go somewhere, and that place is here."

Emery ponders for a moment, closing his eyes to rid of the bright lights distracting his thoughts. "That- that's a good question," he sits up really fast, "I need the keys," he holds out his hand.

I raise an eyebrow, but don't question it and toss over the keys. He exits the building for a few minutes then comes back in, looking panicked.

'What's wrong?' I mindlink him, curious of what he was looking for after that conversation.

Emery takes a seat again and places his head into his hand, 'The drugs, they're gone from the glove box," he states, looking up at me, 'She had to have taken them,' he adds.

My eyes widen, I have completely about the coke and Better I left in there. Though, I know for a fact we didn't touch them since I shoved them in there. Leaning back, I try to figure out why Yoi would take them, if she did. Of course someone else could have because it was left in a shop and we did leave the car unattended anytime we slept. 'You really think it was her?' I question, she doesn't seem like the person to get involved in drugs from what Emery has told me about her.

'Maybe not her, but her boyfriend,' he goes quiet, going back into thought.

Hold on, boyfriend?

No wonder she ran away when she saw me, it's like Delilah and I. She's experiencing the same thing... but then why would Emery say it's because of him.

'Sorry,' Emery apologizes, 'I may have left out some details. Back one morning I met the neighbor lady who told me about Yoi when I said I wanted to help her. Apparently her boyfriend screams at her and her kids.'

She has kids? That is a whole step up from my own relationship. Now I feel even worse. 

Emery reaches over and pinches my cheek, 'Focus, idiot,' he says, 'they aren't biological, she adopted them pretty much. One kid's parents died then the other was abandoned...' he closes his eyes, 'she's not a bad person, but her boyfriend on the other hand- he could've dragged her out here. She could have found the drugs and then he found out, putting her in a tight spot.'

'That's a lot of assuming,' I remark, then sigh, 'but I'm glad to hear she's a good person' I let out the breath I didn't even realizing I was holding.

'I suppose so,' Emery says, seeming a little awkward with the response, 'But that still begs the question of why is she here?' He repeats the real question.

I shake my head, trying to think. There's so much going on I can barely organize my thoughts. 'Once this is all over, we will find out what she's doing here and I will properly reject her... if I knew how,' I groan.

Emery nods, 'Alright then. You know who to text or call if you want to reject her,' he holds up his phone, referring to my dear Delilah.

'I know, I know, I was bound to talk to her again at some point,' I say as I reach over and take his phone from him, shoving it in my pocket for later. "How about tonight we just relax and drink to our hearts content. We have been through a lot and tomorrow we are going to have one hell of a day," I say outloud so we don't look too weird as a couple of dudes sitting in silence, intensely staring at eachother.

"I like how you think," Emery immediately stands up and walks over to the bar, ordering us some more alcohol.

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