Chapter 22 • The Talk

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Asher's Pov.

Finally exiting the shower after an hour of standing under the cold water, I'm still feeling quite anxious. Though, this is what I should do, the right thing. Sitting on my bed with some sweatpants on, I hold out my hand, "Hand me the phone," I say bluntly, mentally preparing myself. I wonder what Delilah is going to say.

Emery takes his phone off its charger and tosses it over, landing on my comforter. I pick it up and see that he still has her contact info up and ready for me to call her.

Taking a deep breath in, I press the call button, my thumb shaking. With every ring, I feel my heart beat through my chest.

"Relax, it'll be okay," Emery says from his bed while looking over at me. I shake my head, trying to forget he's in the room.

Finally, the call connects and I see the call time start.

"Hello?" Delilah's sweet voice Says through the phone. Her voice practically makes me melt.

I gulp, finally ready. "Hey babe," I say, a small smile lingering on my lips. Keep it together, I tell myself.

It's silent only for a second, "Oh my god! Xavion I-I feel like it's been so long," she cries, "I miss you."

"I miss you too," I say, feeling a little more relaxed now with us talking, "but I'm here to talk about something else..." I trail off, wondering if she will get what I'm talking about.

Delilah sniffles, "What do you want to talk about?" She questions, gathering herself.

I run my finger through my hair, gripping it at the roots, "I know I have a mate." It's out, nows the real talk. Please don't hate me Delilah.

It's silent, as if the line went dead, but I know she's just in shock. "Oh," she finally speaks back up, "I see... and I suppose Aryan told you that I knew?" She questions, partially jumping to conclusions, correct ones at that.

"Yes, I'm breaking the rules by talking to you, but we need to talk about this," I make sure to elaborate the importance. Our relationship could be at steak if we have different opinions about this. "What do you think?"

"I think- that you should follow you heart," she begins, "you know all those books I read about mates and stuff? Well, I do believe in it, though, I never thought it'd happen to my soon-to-be husband. If you still love me in the end, I'd be a very happy bride," she giggles in a sad tone.

Finally letting go of my hair, I let myself fall back onto the fluffy comforter. "Are you really going to base your feelings off of books?" I question, not sure I'm understanding her reasoning.

"Well, it's deeper than that. If I'm not mistaken, I probably know more about the history of mates than you," she brings up the fact that she's been into those books for years and some of them are nonfiction and historically correct. "Let me explain it to you this way: mates were created by the moongoddess eons ago and their connections are like none other. They feel a strong connection and the urge to protect eachother. Not to mention its rumored that each mate's strength increases with eachother once they meet eachother and more so when they're marked. With all of that, it only seems logical you'd pick your mate, the only thing setting us apart is that you have history with me."

That's a lot to take in, but I feel like I kind of get it. "Alright, I won't question you anymore, but Delilah, just know that I'd pick you over my mate any day."

"You say that now, but I won't believe it till you properly reject her," she sighs, "listen, I love you so much, but this conversation has made me a little depressed. I think I'm going to bathe then go to bed and you should too."

"Oh, okay," I say, feeling down as well, "I love you Delilah and please- don't worry. Sleep well and have a goodnight." I pull the phone away from my ear and watch the call end from Delilah's side.

"See? That wasn't hard," Emery chimes, taking his chance to turn on the TV. I throw his phone back at him, hitting him on the side of the head. "Ow, what the fuck was that for?" He asks, rubbing his head as he tosses the phone onto the side table.

"Being a nose bitch," I bite back, tossing off my sweatpants so I'm left in my boxers. Finally ending the day, I hop under the comforters and isolate myself. Now I can sleep, hopefully.

Author's Note: Sorry about the late update, I had to work all weekend and don't worry, there will be one more chapter today after this one ^-^

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