Chapter 1 • The First Four

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A dark office, only lit by a few candles. With wood floors, a polished desk, and comfortable office chair, one would expect and distinguished person would work there, one such being Xavion, the Alpha of the Kallen Pack.

Far and wide in the Nothern Americas, his territory stretches for a few hundred square miles. His pack is one of the leading powers in the world, only to be rivaled by few. But every powerful pack has their downfalls, and recently the Kallen's has been impacting all walks of life.

"Sir!" A tall blonde guy barges through the double doors of the office and stomps over to the desk in the middle, slamming his hand down with immense force, "we have an issue that needs your immediate attention," he growls.

I look up at him through my glasses, pushing them up with my index finger, "What is it Beta Aryan?" I ask, concerned about how he's acting. Normally he is calm and collected, that's why I chose him to become my Beta, even though he's only twenty years old. My previous Beta family was kicked out due to their disgusting behavior in their leadership roles for the pack. They ignored those in need and only focused on the famous and rich.

Aryan takes in a deep breath, "Pack members are dropping like flies, losing their minds!" His voice shakes as he adverts his eyes, "something is going on and the officials can't pinpoint what's going on."

My eyes widen, this is news to me. Everything has been going smoothly since I became Alpha four years ago, something was bound to happen eventually. How I react is important as the whole world keeps an eye on my pack. I can't fail them now.

Okay, calm down, I tell myself, maybe it's not as big of a deal as Beta Aryan is making it. "Tell me all the details you currently have," I say, straightening my back to help me focus.

He sighs, pulling over a chair from the side and taking a seat, also out of character as he prefers to stand, say what he needs, then continue his duties. This has Beta Aryan riled up, making me feel even more uneasy about the situation. "Alpha Xavion, are you ready?" He asks, placing his hands neatly on his lap.

I nod, focusing all of my attention on him.

"The first occurrence that we have recorded was about a month ago, when a female subject went rampant and almost killed her employees. Kristen Yolk, the CEO of a nuclear energy firm. It took dozen of our soldiers to finally kill her," he stops, coming into eye contact with me, a hint of fear to be seen.

Kristen Yolk? She's an important figure in our pack as she was very innovative in the nuclear industry. I heard she had died, therefor I sent a letter sending my condolences to her family, but I thought it was due to an illness, not her losing her mind. Wait- he said it took dozens of well trained soldiers to take down a small women with no prior training. That's not right, even an untrained male should've been able to at least subdue her.

"Beta Aryan, are you sure it took that many soldiers to take her down?" I ask, wanting clarification that I heard him correctly. Perhaps my nervousness is making me hear things and I'm the one losing it.

He nods slowly. "Yes Alpha, that's a running theme. The next pack member was Reave Willard, a dean at the third best university we have in our pack. He was reported by his wife, who ran out of the house when he started yelling that he couldn't hear his wolf anymore. When the police showed up, they found that Mr. Willard had managed to claw through his skull, leaving his brains exposed. Yet, he was still alive, and when approached by officials, he attacked them viciously. He was shot multiple times, but only passed away when one of the police members was attacked and in defense, transformed and bit into the open part of Mr. Willard's skull, ripping it open and tearing out his brains out," he covers his mouth with hands, gagging slightly, "I saw the crime scene photos, it was truly gruesome. Not to mention they had security cameras installed around their house, with audio," he whispers the last part. It sounds like he saw them... how unfortunate.

I bite my lip, trying not to gag myself. No way, what the fuck is going on? Those two are highly respected individuals in the pack, there shouldn't be a reason for them to lose their minds. Their behaviors are abnormal too, especially with Mr. Willard walking about losing his wolf. He didn't transform to protect himself from gunfire, which is pretty much an instinct when we feel like we are in danger. It's not possible to lose your wolf, at least I thought so.

"Um," Beta Aryan cuts my thoughts off and I return my focus to him, "there are two more important cases Alpha, I will continue, but if you would like me to stop at any point then please let me know Sir," he says, looking down at his hands.

Now I understand why he was acting the way he was earlier. If I didn't have to act all high and mighty, I'd be curled up into a corner wondering if a disease was going to come for me next. It can't be a disease though, it just can't be as the circumstances are so odd. "Yes, understood. Please continue," I respond, even though I'm almost at my own breaking point, for vomiting.

"Case number three occurred two weeks ago. Ben Miller, a college student who made some of the most innovative inventions for elderly wolves, transformed in the middle of class after supposedly passing out. Prior students said his eyes were dilated and it he was zoning out, not his usual character. As soon as he transformed, he proceeded to jump out a window and run away. People said they saw his wolf in the woods, wobbling around and looking confused. When he was finally approached three days later due to absence concerns, he violently attacked a professor and killed him. His body was found in pieces scattered over a hundred meter area. Two days later he broke into his own home and killed off the investigators that were at his residence. He was promptly killed by a neighbor spearing him in the head." Holly shit, a spear?

How the hell did I not know about any of this? I understand that there are millions in the pack, but those deaths are in high numbers. No, now I cannot doubt myself, it's time for action. Once I hear the most recent case, I'm going to personal help with this matter. As an Alpha, I should protect not only my people, but our image as well.

"This last week was one of the weirder cases," Beta Aryan continues. I raise an eyebrow, wondering how much more weird these can get. "Allyson McVey, the daughter of the previous Beta, was reported by her own parents. They said that their once outgoing and popular girl, was quiet and said few words. They reported her, once they found her in her room with her ears missing. She apparently clawed them out and was staring the ceiling. When the medics arrived, she wouldn't respond and was quickly taken to the hospital. After a few days to recover, she was put in a mental ward where she proceeded to lose her mind. Quoted by officials, she shouted that she needed to go to her room to find something and that she would die without it. True to her words, she was found dead in her room due to self inflicted injuries, which I will not explain, but they are an expansion of her earlier incident," he huffy out the final words, setting down a set of papers.

His eyes come into contact with mine, "These aren't the only ones Alpha, these are the only ones that have been reported connected to this case thus far due to the individuals in the cases. There is a possibility that regular pack members are experiencing the same things.." he trails off, leaning back in the chair.

I take a moment to process everything. That's a lot to take in for me. I reach up and pull my glasses away from my face, folding them and setting it down on my desk neatly. I won't need those for where I'm going.

"Thank you Beta Aryan, please arrange a ride to the National Investigation Bureau immediately," I say, standing up from my seat, "I'm going to participate in this investigation, I cannot stand back and watch my pack members die like this. Please feel free to tag along, if so, notify Gamma Quinn to take charge for a bit."

Beta Aryan stands up, holding the papers close to his chest, "Alpha Xavion, I'd like to join you. I will have arrangements ready in an hour," he bows, turning on his heal to leave the room quickly. At the door, he glances back at me with a worried look, about to say something, but decides otherwise and leaves.

With a sigh, I take a seat and put my head into my hands. This is a nightmare, I really hope I can solve this.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading the official chapter 1! I'm waiting for my first stipend in September to get Grammerly Premium to help me edit as I'm not really a professional writer 😅 I do have a creative imagination though <3 

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