Chapter 3 • NIB

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The National Investigation Bureau, the Kallen Pack's branch of security that protects us from insider and outsider threats. They've solved hundreds of cases- from homicide to money laundering. Their location is in a secluded forest, about four hours away by car from the pack house.

I've been here a few times beforehand, but it was to congratulate them on their success in keeping our pack safe and give out awards. This trip is different, because now I'm here to participate in the investigation.

At the front doors, I click the guest entrance button to call into the front desk. A young lady's voice pops up from a nearby speaker, "Please show you identification," she says in a customer service tone.

Even though I'm their Alpha, they insist on doing this everytime for security reasons. It's annoying, but understandable I suppose. I pull out my wallet and hold up my ID to the security camera. A few moments later I hear a click and the automatic doors opens, revealing a waiting room.

Myself, Beta Aryan, and four guards that accompanied me enter the building and we approach the front desk. The girl from earlier stands up and bows, "Hello Alpha Xavion," she smiles, raising herself, "Detective Milo is on his way to greet you. Please let me know if you need any refreshments."

"Thank you-" I look over at her name tag, "Sam, but we will just wait."

She nods and takes a seat in her office chair while we go take a seat on the leather couches that face a small TV playing a random drama. A few minutes later, an elevator door opens and out walks a man in his mid thirties with round glasses and long blonde hair.

I stand up and brush myself off as he walks over to us. Giving me a quick bow, he introduces himself, "Hello Alpha Xavion, I believe we have met before," he says, holding out his hand.

Shaking it firmly, I respond, "Yes, when I awarded you the medal for the most crimes solved in a year, quite impressive to this day."

"Awe, shucks Sir, I appreciate it," he laughs, taking his hand away. Detective Milo is an interesting man, style and all, but he's good at his job which is all I care about. He is the best person to put on this case, so he better not fuck this up. "Anyways, Alpha Xavion and Beya Aryan, will you please accompany me to the conference room?" He asks politely, looking between the two of us.

Looking back at my guards, I mindlink for them to waiting where they are. They acknowledge me and take a seat once more while I turned back to Detective Milo, "Let's go," I say, feeling a little antsy.

That four hour drive was killing me because all I could think about was what was going on. It just led to deeper and darker thoughts as there's wasn't much for me to go off of in the first place besides the four cases.

We enter the elevator and go up to the fifth floor, the top, and exit to a light grey hallway that's empty besides large heavily secured doors on both sides. Walking down to the very end, we approach a set of double doors and Detective Milo leans over a machine to scan his eye, then his badge. A series of clicks is heard and the doors open inward, revealing a long table surrounded by many chairs.

Detective Milo walks up to the front of the room by the projector and turns it on while Beta Aryan and I sit across from eachother. It takes a few minutes, but he eventually logs into the system and pulls up a slideshow titled 'The 'Better' Drug'. I raise my eyebrow in curiousity, but not saying anything just yet.

He takes a sip of water and deep breath, then proceeds, "Thank you two for coming here, we appreciate that you want to help us, so I'm here to get you in on what we currently know," he begins, glancing back at the projection, "As you can see the title, we are facing a drug called 'Better'," he explains, answering my silent question from earlier.

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