Chapter 45 • One Week

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Xavion's Pov.

This last week was slow and lackluster. I signed some paperwork that required my immediate attention, but at this point, I wish they gave me more. It's been mind-numbing, laying in bed with the doctor checking up on me twice a day. By the end of it, I was completely recovered, as if nothing had happened, thankfully.

Now that I'm able to leave this room without upsetting someone, I have a couple people I'd like to visit, the first of which is my Beta who I owe an apology too. The guilt still hasn't faltered from our little adventure, I hope he's okay at the least.

Changing into a casual business outfit, I make sure to fold the hospital clothes on the bed and exit the room. The nurses nearby give me a small bow and congratulate me on my recovery before going back to their duties.

I stroll to one of the main desks and a nurses pops his head up, "Greetings Alpha, what can I do for you?" He asks, giving me his full attention.

Setting my hands down on the counter, I ask, "What room is Beta Aryan in? I'd like to visit him, please." My heart is beating fast enough for me to feel it through my chest.

His face falters into an unsure expression, "Alpha, with all do respect, he's in no condition to have any visitors," he pauses, closing his eyes, "he's... not improving. He lacks the Beta blood to heal like you, but the doctors are still trying their best."

My eyes go wide and I just lower my head, not sure how to process this information. "Is there anything I can do? We could always try to fly in a doctor from another pack-"

"It's not that," he cuts me off, "it's Beta Aryan's body. The methods of torture took a toll and it's having a hard time healing. We can only hope that he's strong enough to pull through."

Taking in a deep breath, "He is... I'm sure of it," I say, not feeling confident in my words. "What about Mrs. Yoi?" I ask, trying to get my mind off Aryan. Just anything else for now, please, I beg to the world.

The nurse types in a couple things on his computer and then gets back to me, "she's on the third floor, room 321. Just take the elevator and turn left, you'll see the numbers on the doors," he gives me a faint smile, "Thank you Alpha."

"For what?" I ask, not sure why he's thanking me when it should be the other way around.

"For recovering quickly, the pack has been worried about you," he holds up his phone, indicating that I should check it. I return his smile and give him thanks as I quickly turn around and go down the hallway towards the many elevators.

I'll do this, then return to the pack house and begin on the stacks of papers I have no doubt that's piled up in my office. Gamma Quinn can only do so much as an acting Alpha, but in the end, I'm still in charge. It's not like I died or anything, that'd be a different situation.

Finally arriving to the door to Yoi's room, I give it a light knock. It's a few seconds before I get the okay to come in. Slowly turning to the door handle and entering, I see Yoi sitting on the window trim, looking outside, instead of being on the hospital bed like a normal patient.

Yoi's hair is in two French braids, hanging over her shoulders. Instead of wearing the hospital gown, she has on a black hoodie and on loose jeans. She turns her head and I can see her dull blue eyes staring at me, her eyes half closed. "Hello, Xavion, how do you do?" she says, no emotion in her voice.

My wolf is in my head, throwing a fit that I'm not running into her arms, but I'm keeping calm to try and respect her. I walk over and take a seat about five feet away from her, setting my elbows on my knees, "I'm doing better, how about you?" I ask, giving her another look over. With the hoodie on, I'm not able to see how her shoulders are doing, but she's seems okay.

Giving me and shrug, she replies, "Same here." Short and straight to the point, as always.

Raising an eyebrow, I attempt to get more out of her, "Do your shoulders still hurt?" I ask.

She tilts her head a little, "I suppose, but that's only temporary," she says, then turns her head back towards the window, "How's Beta Aryan?" She asks, actually making conversation.

Sighing, I sit up, "Not well, his condition isn't improving. The doctors are trying their best, but there's only so much they can do," I explain, letting my emotions seep out.

Yoi turns back to me, now having a frown on her face, "I see, I hope he gets better soon," she says, "so, what do you want?"

Blunt, unfortunately. "Honestly, I came here to ask you that. You're not tied down by the drug dealers anymore, you can do what you want. What do you want to do?" I ask her this time. This isn't about me anymore, it's about the people I care about.

"Find Micheal and Shilo," she quickly replies. I see her left hand ball into a fist, "they were taken when I went to find you," she grits her teeth.

My eyes widen, surprised at this piece of information. I did not hear about that... "I-Im sorry," I say, not sure how to respond. It's all my fault, she came to help me when I was in danger, leaving them defenseless. "Listen- I can get the National Investigation Bureau to help, they can track them down."

Yoi shakes her head, "Not quick enough, if they want revenge, they're going to take it," she states, "I'm going to go get them." I stand and approach her, raising my hand up to put on her shoulder, but she slaps it away before I can get close enough. "You've done more than enough for me."

"But I haven't done anything for you. You fixed my car, gave me tips and not to mention saved my life!" I say, throwing my arms down like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I'm not used to having everything done for me with nothing in return. "What if you go to save them and end up in trouble? There's only one of you and hundreds- maybe thousands of them? Then who's going to save Micheal and Shilo?"

She lowers her head, taking what I said into account. "What could you do for me? I've been through enough already, I'm exhausted," her voice begins to break.

All I can feel is sorrow for her, she's been dealing with this a good portion of her life while I only did it for some weeks. "I can help to find them, then give you guys a peaceful place to live, that's the least I can do," I rub the back of my neck, nervous. Please just let me help you Yoi.

Raising her head, I see a few tears streaming down her face, "Then dont let them die, that's all I want," she says, curling up with her knees to her chest.

I nod, "I'll make sure of what, I promise," I reach out my hand for a handshake, trying to be serious, but she just raises an eyebrow at me. "Just- making a promise."

She let's out a chuckle and wraps her hand into mind, giving me one shake before letting go. "It's a deal then," she says, then looks around the room, "now what?"

What now? Oh, she must mean our conversation. I take a seat once more, feeling our business is a little unfinished, but I'm not sure if it's the best time to ask about our status as mates. No, I tell myself, that'd just be rude. If I'm going to help her finds the kids, then I should be around her enough for her to be okay. Once they're found, I'll ask.

"Are you hungry?" I ask out of nowhere, trying to get her mind off of the negative. Plus, a week of hospital food is enough to make someone hate it for the rest of their life.

Lowering her legs, she dangles them. "Yeah, I'm tired of soup and fruit in little plastic cups," she states, fake gagging.

I smile, happy to see her at ease. "Before we get to business, would you like to go get some food? There's a diner that Aryan has said good things about just down the street," I offer, feeling my stomach grumble at the sound of food. The thought of bacon and a waffle is consuming my mind.

Yoi nods and hopes off the window trim, "Yes please, get me out of here and into the sun," she says, walking towards the door to exit her room. I scramble to get up and follow her out, wondering if the doctor even released her.

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