Chapter 56 • Mitchell

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Xavion's Pov.

The room goes silent for a moment before the cries of a child ring in my ears. Turning my attention away from the pathetic man that once lived a lavish life, I see that Yoi has an injured Mitchell on her back. On the other side is a guard with a trigger happy finger who begins shooting at me.

A low growl escapes my mouth as I lunge toward him, feeling bullets rip through my fur and flesh. Pushing and pinning the man to the ground, I send him a courtesy message, 'You should've never betrayed the Kallen Pack,' and finish the job.

Once he's confirmed dead, I rush over to Yoi and shift back, wanting to check out Mitchell's wounds. He continues to cry as I pick him off Yoi's back and gently place him onto the dirtied floor.

His little fingers wrap around my arm as he begs me not to let him die. I bite my lower lip as I place pressure on the wound on his chest. This isn't good, it could be close to his heart or spine.

Yoi shifts back and gets on her knees beside me, gently petting the kid's head as soothing and reassuring words escape her mouth. "It'll be okay, I'll sing you your favorite lullaby," she says, clearly holding back her tears.


Ne lozhisya na krayu,

Pridet seren'kiy volchok,

I ukhvatit za bochok..." she quietly sings in a foreign language.

Keeping my focus on Mitchell, I rip the shirt off the dead guy next to me and use the cleanest parts as guaze, then wrap the rest around his chest, making sure to keep pressure at all times.

"We need to find a phone," I speak up, cutting off Yoi's song. Looking over, I see tears streaming down her face as Shilo hugs her from behind. Holding back my wolf from consoling her, I use a free hand and place it ontop of hers, "Please hold pressure on guaze, I'll go find one," I say gently.

She nods through her messy hair, removing her hand from mine and placing it on Mitchell's chest, using her own body weight to apply a substantial amount of pressure. Shilo stands up and places his hands on top of hers, his face just as swollen.

I quickly stand up and look at the phone that could've set off bomb. It's more than dead. Moving onto the mystery man's body, I rummage through his horrid attire and find a smartphone with many recently missed calls and texts.

It's locked, but at least there's an emergency number function on modern phones. Sliding open the Emergency button, 911 automatically pops up, and I waste no time clicking the call button.

With each ring, my heart races with anxiety, but soon enough, someone picks up. "-Police Department, what's your location?" A lady answers as I zone out at the first portion.

Shaking my head, I quickly answer, "In a building in the middle of nowhere. This is Alpha Xavion and a kid is in critical condition, along with myself, another child, and my mate-" I pause for a moment, "Do not contact the National Investigation Bureau except for Detective Milo and send the pack guards to my location, as well as medical personnel."

"A-Alpha Xavion?" She questions if she heard me correctly, "Alright, we have people tracking your location currently. The kid who is critical condition, how did he get injured?" She asks, trying to help us out in the meantime.

I tell her about him getting shot and how I wrapped up the wound. "Good job Alpha. Please continue to keep pressure on the wound and keep me updated on his condition. How are the rest of you?" She asks.

I look over at Shilo, seeing he's living through an extremely traumatizing event, "Please send a therapist for the second kid. He's not injured, physically," I whisper, not wanting Shilo to hear me talking about him.

"Yes, Alpha, we have found your location and personnel are currently being dispatched and will arrive in approximately fifteen minutes," she let's out a sigh of relief. I don't feel relieved at all, I'm not sure how much longer Mitchell will survive.

Gripping my hair, I almost pull out a chunk of it from the frustration I'm feeling. Calm down, I tell myself, getting angry won't help anyone right now. Taking in a deep breath, I continue with Yoi's condition, "My mate was shot a few times and is bleeding severely, as well as myself."

"Please try to stop the bleeding to prevent bleeding out," the operator quickly says, "if an artery has been hit on a limb, then please cut off the bleedflow with a straight object and a piece of fabric." I look at my body, finally realizing the extent of my injuries and the blood pooling at my feet. Being naked sure helps.

Biting my bottom lip once more, I feel vomit rise up my throat. Swallowing it, I look over at Yoi, desperately trying to keep pressure on Mitchell, but her own body is beginning to shut down.

Running over to her, I place the phone on speaker. "Shilo, keep pressure on Mitchell's wounds. Press down as hard as you can," I yell him as I desperately lay the almost faint Yoi on the ground beside Mitchell.

"We have-" cough,"to keep-" cough, cough, "Mitchell alive," she barely says, her voice fading away. My wolf begins to panic to a new level as I quickly examine her.

The operator yells through the phone as I keep my attention on Yoi, grabbing what fabric is left and using the pieces to secure what bullet wounds I can. She keeps her hand on me, letting my know that she's still conscious.

"Alpha! Are you still there?" The operator yells through the phone, finally catching me off guard.

Clenching my teeth, I give her a harsh reply, "Yes I'm still fucking here. Can you hurry up? These two are about to die!" I shout, tossing the phone onto the ground so I can focus on keeping Yoi alive.

"Five minutes Alpha," the lady says, a bit frightened from my changed demenor, "how is your condition?" She tries to ask me, but I refuse to answer.

Just five more minutes Yoi, stay me with me- I beg, over and over to myself. There are so many wounds and I only hand two hands! Closing my eyes, I try to place as much pressure I can as I count down the seconds till help arrives.

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