Chpater 55 • I Can Only Hope

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Yoi's Pov.




Xavion is in the building and now they're evacuating it? What the hell is going on? And here I am tied to this stupid fucking disgusting hospital bed. "Ahhhhh," I let out an angry scream as I twist my body around, trying to break anything at this point.

I give up and slams myself onto the bed with a bit of force, huffing from exhaustion. Every second I lay here, the more dire the situation.



And even fucking Xavion.

Letting out a loud growl, I force myself to shift into my wolf. The handcuffs dig into my wolf's ankles, but not deep enough to cut through the skin, perks of having a smaller wolf I suppose.

My legs are still a bit sprawled out, but all it takes is me attempting to flip myself over to snap one side of the cuffs chains, I proceed to do the same with the other side. I'm finally free! In a little bit of pain, but my adrenaline is making me feel invincible.

I dart over to the large door and shift back, attempting to open the door, but it's unfortunately locked. Looking around the room, I see a crowbar ontop of a cabinet. I really don't want to know what they were using this for in this room... a shiver runs down my spine at the thought.

My naked body and I go back to the door and shove one end in the crack and I begin to pry. After a few failed attempts, I shift back and use the full weight of my wolf to push the bar. A loud snap is heard the door swings open, banging against the wall.

I mentally smirk and run out of the room, 'Where's Xavion?' I ask my wolf, knowing that's all sues thinking about at this moment. He's the one I need to find right now because if he dies, then I have no doubt I will as well.

She takes a moment, but eventually replies, 'Take the next left.' Happy to hear she's on board and helping after being worried for her mate all this time, even if it involves him. 'Hey! I heard that,' she grumbles in the back of my mind.

I go left in the next hallway and continue running down the corridors that all looks the same, dreary with an endless amount of metal doors. I could get lost if my wolf wasn't on top of things. 'Thank you,' she pops back into my thoughts, 'now take a right.'

Quickly stopping myself, I slide a bit before turning right and seeing all those fuckers in their tactical gear shooting at someone. My wolf takes my moment of realization as an opportunity and takes control, attacking the individuals before they realize I'm right behind them.

Once they do, three of them were bitten and torn to shreds. I could feel the blood raging through my veins as my wolf continued to fight with zero mercy. The ones in the back turn in my direction and hold up their guns and my wolf pauses, but I quickly manage to take control and shove those ones down.

'Smart,' my wolf says, regaining her composure as she takes the back seat and let's me know of any movements I don't take notice of. 

I proceed to maul person after person, leaving no one left alive in my path. That doesn't come without its own risks, though, as the many guards start shooting in my direction. I start feeling pain in various parts on my body, slowing me down immensely.

Shit, I just have to keep going. I'm not going to give up, even if it costs me my life.

'Yoi!' I hear a faint shout in my head, instantly recognizing it as Xavion's and I freeze for a moment, feeling a brief sense of relief that he's still alive.

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