Chapter 8 • Not Better

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"Well, that's no surprise," the purple haired girl says, "that one's on me, but reach out if you need more," she winks, turning back to her friends.

They all stare and talk about me as I walk off. No normal person would be able to hear them, but I can, more so now than ever.

"That guy is weird, we don't see outsiders often."

"Yeah, but he's good business."

"Be careful, it's a little sketch if you ask me."

"Don't worry, I didn't and I got it under control. He became addicted the moment it touched his nose," one snickers.

"I suppose, the feds wouldn't dare touch it."

Hah! That's what you fucking thought, but guess what? You just gave that to your Alpha. You'll be locked up in no time, once we are done with this investigation.

I hoppity skip back to the shitbox that I can hardly call a car and rip the passenger door open, hearing it hit the front panel with force. "I did it bitch," I shout, hopping in and falling across the center console.

"Uh-" I look up and see Emery looking down at me with concern, "what... happened?" He asks, sounding a little unsure. Emery reaches down and grabs my shoulder, pushing me into the upright position into my own seat.

Reaching my hand into my pocket and grabbing the baggy, I pull it out and toss it into the cup holder. "I got the drugs, that's what," I grin, shutting the car door, "now we wait till tomorrow."

He lowers his brows, "Alpha-"

"Asher, idiot," I correct him.

"Asher... did you take the fucking drug?" He questions, squinting to get a better look at me, "you did, didn't you?"

I nod with no shame, "I will do what is required, and it was," I shrug, clipping in my shredded seatbelt, "now let's do something since we have time!" I shout excitedly.

"Are you fucking serious?" He shouts, grabbing and digging his fingernails into my shoulder, "we have to contact Detective Milo right now," he pulls out his phone, but in a blur I snatching it out of his hands.

"No, you won't," I command, "we are completing this investigation, if you want out then that's on you." This is my time to shine as an alpha, and I feel better than ever about it. Aryan will not hold me back, but I won't hold him hostage either. It won't be easy, but I could do this on my own.

Emery grits his teeth, letting go of my shoulder, "We can't go anywhere," he says in a lower tone, "the spray covering your alpha scent isn't working anymore..." he trails off, covering his nose with his hand.

My mouth opens slightly, realizing the severity of that statement. Quickly grabbing the spray bottle out of the door, I spray it on me, feeling a little panicked, "Are you sure?" I ask, holding it my hand now. I don't want to be the one to ruin this.

He lifts his head, sniffing the air, "Yes, I'm sure, we need to stay out of sight," he says, buckling his seatbelt and starts the car to drive off, "be thankful this town is in the middle of the woods, we can go hideout at the end of some dirt road," he declares, quickly driving off.

Twenty minutes later and a few backroads, we are by a small pond at the end of a dirt road. Exiting the vehicle I run my hand through my dyed hair, huffing. My blood pressure is high right now, I can feel it. It's giving me a sense of anxiety, but also confidence.

Emery walks around the vehicle and comes over to me, "Well, how do you feel?" He asks, taking a seat on a rock.

I walk back a forth, feeling energetic. "I-I dont know. I feel like I need to do everything at once and I can do it. I can't sit here and do nothing-" I wave my arms around, like a crazy person. "Fuck, I may as well shift," I say as I take off my suit jacket.

Emery growls, "Don't be irrational, that'd blow our cover," he stomps over, taking the jacket I just took off and throwing it over my head, "just wait for it to pass. I don't care-"

"Stop," I sneer, tossing my jacket onto the ground, "I'm shifting. If we stay here, I don't know what I'll do," I say in a more threatening tone. Emery takes a couple steps back, looking a bit unsettled.

I take off the rest of my cloths so I'm naked. Kind of refreshing if you ask me. Shifting into my wolf, I look back at Emery, 'Fear not,' I mindlink him, 'I'll be back when I'm better,' I say, running off into the wilderness.

He's not able to say anything at a long distance, it's not like I want to hear what he has to say though. From what I can tell, he is unsure of my mental state right now. For all I know, he's calling the detective right now.

Finally slowing down after a few miles, I take a moment to turn my head back and look at my tail wagging slightly. My long fur is mostly a pale blonde, like my natural hair color, but with brown tips, giving me a reverse porcupine look. I already miss my natural hair color, this dark look is not suiting to me.

Sitting, I perk up my ears, to listening to the nearby wildlife. Birds chirp, the wind blows, leaves fly by me, branches are breaking from deer. It's all so much.

I've ran so far in only minutes, faster than ever before. My eyes can notice movement from a mile away. My ears hear everything. Even as an alpha with enhanced senses, this is insane. I can only imagine how this drug would've helped us a couple hundred years ago when we did hunt for our food and fight others over land. Now they hunt just for their next paycheck, while I'm hunting for a new experience.

My body starts to feel a bit heavier, requiring me to lie down. Am I coming down from the high? I ask myself, realizing how shitty I'm starting to feel.

Fuck, I thought this stuff was supposed to last days, not a couple hours. Not to mention I said I would return in a couple hours to Emery- if I don't he will freak out and think I've gone haywire.

Lying down, I rest my head on a mound of dying leaves. My legs couldn't hold me up for much longer. Is this what they call an adverse reaction? I don't know, my mind feels like the old static screens. Maybe if I nap for the remainder of the day, I can recover...

Author's Note: Hm, I couldn't get it exactly how I wanted, but this is how I imagine Alpha Xavion's wolf looks like running through the woods all drugged up. Maybe his fur would be a little lighter

 Maybe his fur would be a little lighter

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