Chapter 49 • Interrogation Part 2

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Xavion's Pov.

Here I am, sitting across from the little fucker who put Aryan and I in a makeshift prison. The things I would love to do to him, but for the sake of Yoi, I will keep calm. Once we are done, I'd like to personally attend his execution. Nobody leads to my Beta getting hurt and gets away with it.

Jeremiah is sitting across from me, hunched over the long metal table separating us, staring. He seems to be fairing well for someone in prison, unlike Graham. It's safe to assume he didn't use Better or he'd be having withdrawals. I need a new tactic... someone remind me why the detective isn't doing this? Goddamnit.

"You know, the thought crossed my mind at least once," Jeremiah speaks up, biting his lower lip.

I raise an eyebrow, slightly curious of what he means. "Oh yeah? And what was that?" I question as I try to think of something.

"That you're the Alpha," he pauses and smirks, "Then I thought how crazy of an idea that would be, but here we are," he raises his hands as high as the handcuffs would let him.

He has the gall to smirk in this position, seriously? "Don't let him get to you," Detective Milo says through the earpiece he gave me. Not going to lie, I forgot about that and the fact him and Yoi are watching me for a second.

Yeah, he's in jail and I'm not. This is just an opportunity he's using to entertain himself. "Should've went with your gut, maybe you wouldn't have ended up here," I say, knowing it isn't true. If Milo didn't hear from me long enough, they would've gone looking for me. Aryan wouldn't have survived if that were the case though...

Jeremiah's expression turns into a nasty frown with the side of a glare. "I suppose so. What do you want? Spit it out, Alpha," my title seeps out of his mouth as if the word were poisonous.

"You're getting under his skin, good job," Milo says to me. I'm well aware of this fact, I'm not that oblivious.

Leaning forward, I practically force Jeremiah to look me dead in the eyes. "I'd like to know where Shilo and Mitchell are," I say, wondering if he's going to give up that information willingly or not.

"What's she to you?" He questions, not answering my question.

Smirking, I swap over to mindlinking him. 'Because she's my mate and I will do anything to get them back. Now, would you like to keep stalling and get tortured or tell me?' I fold my hands together, keeping calm.

Jeremiah's eyes go wide and his mouth drops slightly before he closes it and gulps. 'Wow, what a twist,' he replies nervously, 'I'm putting a lot on the line here, what do I get out of it?'

'Not dying,' I say happily.

He huffs, "That's not enough," he goes back to speaking, "I'd rather die then be tortured in prison for ratting the gang out," he states, balling his hand into a fist.

Sighing, I look back at the one way glass, "What can we offer him?" I ask Milo, knowing he can hear us loud and clear.

It's a few moments before he replies through a speaker, "We can move him to a better prison and take off five years, if the information turns out to be accurate," he says before going away.

"You heard him. Better place and less time, but you wouldn't get it till I find Mitchell and Shilo," I repeat, "so, have you decided?"

Jeremiah leans back in his chairband looks up at the ceiling. "My sentence is for twenty five year, you really think five will matter? I want ten off," he negotiates.

Sighing, I agree, "Only if we find them within two weeks and alive. If it takes longer and they're alive, it'll be five years." He's not getting his way that easy, I'm still in control.

"Fine!" He shouts, his eyes shut tightly, "I cannot believe I'm doing this," he tells himself as he returns to the the table, setting his elbows down firmly. "I've been cut off for obvious reasons, but one of the last things I was updated on was their locations and plans. The kids were sent to Ouiti and the gang wants to keep the kids captive in hopes that Yoi will go get them. I assume they'd torture her once she got there," he stops and looks at the glass behind me, likely having a feeling that Yoi is with me, "Considering they don't know... your situation-" he uses air quotes as he refers to us being mates, "they're in for a lot more than they bargained for."

That was the perfect amount of information, now we don't have to waste time going to two cities. There's not much else I can ask from him. "I see, is that all?" I ask, just wanting to make sure. It doesn't hurt to double check if there's anything left in that noggin of his.

Jeremiah shakes his head, "Just a word of caution, they'll want your head on a platter. Not like I care for you, but I don't think I'll get my cushy lifestyle and ten years off if you're dead, right?" He smiles, tilting his head slightly, "Oh- and the new drug, Bexoun, is very dangerous. Don't bothering asking for anymore information on that because all I know is that it's like a disease."

My mind fills with a copious amount of thoughts, completely forgetting that there's a new drug being introduced to the streets- the one I was supposed to pickup for Graham. Shiiiiiiiit...

"I applaud the honesty, the NIB will deliver your side of the deal once the kids are found. Thank you for your cooperation, Jeremiah," I say, standing up to leave.

"Don't die out there," he shouts as I exit the room with guard.

I don't plan on it.

I'm escorted to the room next door and enter to see Yoi in Detective Milo's face with a finger being held up at him. "Say that again bitch breath," Yoi says in a threatening tone. I'm not sure what I missed, but I'm curious why they aren't paying attention to the interrogation room.

Leaning against the open door, I glance over at the guard who's just as invested. 

"Listen- I was just got this business card to this place. You don't have to take it, but it's just an option," he coos, holding both of his hands up with one holding a card. 

Yoi grabs the card out of his hands and takes a step back, "You suck," she huffs before turning towards me, blushing immensely, "w-welcome back."

I lightly chuckle, wondering what has her so embarrassed. "Thanks. Looks like we got the information we needed and more," I say, going back to the important topic at hand. Though, I'll come back to this when I get the chance.

Detective Milo turns around, "I heard though the shouting," he glances over at a threatening Yoi, "we need to make preparations before we leave at the nearest NIB location."

Yoi backs up and grabs a table for dear life, "No more helicopters, please," she pleads, likely still nauseous from earlier, "we need to leave as soon as possible." That is true, though I believe that's just a cover-up statement right now.

"Obviously," Milo sticks his tongue out, "there's a location a few miles from here. They deal with these prisoner's cases." He's a unique personality alright, but he does his job good.

I nod and push myself off the door frame to walk toward Yoi, gently pulling her away from the table. "He's right, we can rest while he prepares everything," I say, looking over at Milo who's not pleased with the word 'everything'. "Lets get going."

The guards nods and leads us out of the building, Milo following him close behind. Yoi stays next to me, reaching her hand up to mine and wrapping her fingers around a couple of mine. "I still feel nauseous," she quickly says as an excuse for her actions.

A smile appears on my face, surprised. "Then I'll make sure to hold back your hair if you puke," I play along as we are led through the dull corridors. Despite the writing on the walls, I'd get lost if we didn't have a guide.

"My hair is already tied up," she says, looking up at me. I mean, thats obvious enough.

Shrugging, I reply, "Sorry, I just assumed thats why you decided to hold my hand," I chuckle, using my free hand to cover my mouth so it isn't completely obvious that I'm enjoying this.

Yoi groans, "Just shut up," she clenches her hand tightly. Goddamn, her grip is strong. It's not that surprising considering her occupation now that I think about it.

"I can hear you!" Detective Milo snaps his head back to look between the two of us. He uses his index and middle finger to indicate that he's watching us as he turns back like a disappointed parent.

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