~ Introduction

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Hailey Anne Upton -

Garrett Thompson - (unknown)

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Garrett Thompson - (unknown)

Paisley Anne Upton -

●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●Author's Note: These are the main characters for the start of the book

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Author's Note: These are the main characters for the start of the book. Obviously Garrett was never revealed in the show so we don't know what he looks like so you can make him up in your head. Paisley is their daughter and she is 1 month old. The first couple chapters are set before Hailey joined intelligence and she is still in Robbery-homicide. I hope you enjoy this book!

Love Carls <3

Update: A little update from me a few months into writing this book, my writing was actually terrible in the first few chapters and it was all so rushed it's actually painful and embarrassing for me to read back. Please don't let it put you off! My writing does start to get better at around Chapter 7 ish! Once I've finished with this book, I may re-write it but that's a long way away yet.

We'll see where the wind takes us my friends 😏 (IYKYK)

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