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Author's Note:

I wonder if the FFN IP tracker is accurate. Because it's cool to think that I have around 20 readers in Japan. Or 3 in Saudi Arabia.

Most of you are from the U.S, the UK, or Canada. But if this website can be trusted then a lot of you are also from the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Sweden, and around 200 of you are even from Russia.

You can see why I have doubts about the accuracy of this. My best guess is VPN's make it look weird? But if it IS accurate, I think it's badass that I have 1 viewer from the glorious country of "Satellite Provider."

CoverArt: Cruz7808

Story is crossposted on Wattpad, Ao3, and Quotev

S10E16- Happy Birthday

"Yeah.. I hope Carolina is okay." Nora winced.

"Me too but she absolutely deserved it." Yang commented.

"What?" Pyrrha turned to her.

"She's been a massive prideful bitch, not caring about South or Wash, only about beating Tex." Yang explained.

"That's a little harsh." Weiss frowned.

"Well..." Pyrrha paused, "It is harsh but not incorrect, I still feel bad for her. And I don't think she deserves it, no one deserves what she went through."

Yang winced, "Yeah that sounded bad. I'll say this, she had it coming you know? Not that she deserved it. If that makes sense."

Pyrrha nodded, "Her behavior was atrocious, she showed that she could be caring and rational. But at the same time she was overly competitive, prideful and envious."

"And now she's just bitter and angry most of the time." Ruby added. "I think she'll get better, Church got through to her."

"Second Meta, second Meta." Nora chanted quietly.

"Nora that's awful." Ren shook his head.

Pyrrha chuckled, "I hope she gets better too."

" Happy Birthday" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"There's no possible way that title means anything good is there?" Jaune asked.

"Well considering last episode, no." Blake shook her head.

"What could the title mean though?" Ruby hummed, looking at Blake.

"Quick! What's the darkest thing you can think of?" Yang asked.

Blake rolled her eyes "Maine could fully transition into the Meta. It would be the Meta's birthday."

"I think it's too soon for that." Jaune shook his head.

Yang rubbed her chin "This episode could be light though. Because last episode was pretty dark."

"That's putting it lightly." Weiss commented.

Yang laughed, "That was good, really good!"

Weiss's eyes widened "It was? I mean of course it was." Weiss smirked.

Yang nodded, "Yeah Ha! I wish I thought of that one."

"It could be another A.I." Jaune guessed, "They told Delta it was his birthday when they made him."

"That was a really creepy scene." Ruby shivered.

"I'll take creepy over dark any day." Jaune chuckled as he hit play.

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