PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation

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Author's note:

For a while I thought I'd leave the teams ignorant and have them solely react to RvB. No pop culture explanation, no nothing etc. And I stand by that, but so many people have requested these two PSA's that I thought "Screw it" so here you go.

You all requesting these two specific PSA's is smart too. Because these PSA's are funny, informative about the halo games, and aren't like the normal PSA's where the characters talk to the audience the whole time. So basically, all of you picked the perfect PSA's for them to react to Canonically.

... it also gives me more time to plan reactions for season 10. Thanks!

Chapter 23- Drafted/What I did on my summer vacation

"Different how?" Ruby asked.

"Shh, let her explain." Weiss snapped.

" -These two episodes are called PSA's-"

"What's the A stand for." Yang quipped.

Jaune laughed and awkwardly high fived Yang's awaiting hand.

" These episodes are not canon to the Red vs. Blue storyline but were made by the same creators. There are many more PSA's than these two but those have not been shown to you. These two will be shown because of the specific information they provide. That is all, have a good day!"

"We will..." Blake mumbled as Filss finished. "Two PSA's? Why would they have PSA's?"

Ruby raised her hand, "Hold on, I actually want to know what the A stands for... the P and S also."

Blake chuckled, "Public service announcement."

Ruby frowned, "Public- what? Why would they have a public service announcement?"

"Who cares, whatever they're announcing has to be fun." Yang pointed out.

"Maybe not." Ren frowned. "Something could have happened to the show after this point that affected season ten."

Jaune's eyes widened, "You mean like the production of it?"

The group tensed, looks of worry flashed across their faces.

Ren nodded, "We can't know for sure until we watch the episode, I hope I'm wrong."

Jaune nodded, hitting play.

" Drafted" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"I can't think of any bad production news being announced with that title." Jaune smiled.

"Unless a war broke out." Blake commented darkly.

Jaune's face fell, "That would not be good."

A small chuckle escaped from Blake's lips, a few eyes turned to look at her. "Sorry, just the irony."

Weiss shook her head at Blake.

Ren raised an eyebrow. "The voice actors actually going into the military?"

Blake nodded, chuckling again. "Although I wonder if any of them actually were in the military and if it inspired aspects of the show."

"If anything from their military inspired aspects of the show I would fear for the sanity of its soldiers." Weiss rolled her eyes.

Ruby snickered.

"That still does not mean I believe in the separate universe drivel." Weiss sighed. "I will not and simply cannot believe that the show came from another universe."

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