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Authors note:

The Poll results are in and I win! As you could probably tell I was biased with the decision I wanted. Season 14 episodes will now be spread throughout this season and the chorus trilogy.

Remember I won't do what I did with the PSA's, I'll post multiple chapters in one day.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E2- Trailer y Heavy Metal

Jaune nodded and moved to hit play.

"Hello! And thank you for continuing to watch the show! Before you start episode two, you must watch a trailer you were meant to watch long ago!" Filss explained.

"You know I'm getting tired of her interruptions, I just want to watch season ten." Yang groaned.

Pyrrha shrugged, "I don't mind, she's always shown something interesting."

Yang shrugged back, "Yeah you're right, take it away Jaune!"

" Red vs. Blue Trailer" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"... there's a trailer for the show?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Oh of course there's a trailer for the show." Weiss facepalmed.

"Yeah it seems kind of obvious in hindsight." Yang nodded.

"I wonder why we're only watching it now." Pyrrha said.

"She said we were meant to watch it a while ago, maybe someone made a mistake." Jaune shrugged.

"Someone? Who?" Weiss asked, regretting her question as it left her mouth. "Nevermind." She let out a hefty sigh.

The episode opened with Burnie narrating.

Narrator: "In the year 2552,"

Caption: In the year 2552,

"Oh it's Church." Jaune commented.

"Oh it's dad." Ruby said at the same time.

Yang chuckled, "So Church is the narrator, he's been the main character since day one."

"The character with the most focus, I wouldn't call him the main character. Only in season nine." Blake explained.

Narrator: "In the last year of the Covenant invasion of the outer planets,"

Caption: in the last year of the Covenant invasion of the outer planets,

Ren hummed, "The covenant of aliens."

Narrator: "a hero arose, a cyborg known only by the name Master Chief."

Caption: a hero arose, a cyborg known only by the name Master Chief.

"He's the one who blew up the entire covenant armada." Jaune recalled.

"I wonder if this is part of their story or the game's story." Ruby added.

"I'm gonna guess the game because he's talking about the covenant." Jaune explained.

Narrator: "He led the Covenant to the edge of space,"

Caption: He led the Covenant to the edge of space,

Narrator: "to a ringworld, called Halo."

Caption: to a ringworld called Halo.

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