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Author's Note:

Rwby vol 8 started off good, then turned to crap. What a surprise.

" Wah wah feelings! Wahhhh! Feelings! Who cares about the plot! We're all idiots all of the sudden!"

Except then they're not idiots, characters are smart and they show and don't tell. The show teases greatness all the time.

But goddamnit the dialogue still sucks, the bad scenes would be watchable if the dialogue wasn't so forced. Fuuuck I just want the AOT dubs to finish coming out, I need to rewatch season 4 with the dubs.

CoverArt: Cruz7808

Story is crossposted on Wattpad, Ao3, and Quotev

S14E3- Fifty Shades of Red

The words "Fifty Shades of Red" appear in space.

"Oh I guess this is an anthology mini-series like the triplets." Jaune commented.

"Are there only fifty shades of red?" Ruby asked, "I thought there were more."

"There are, I don't understand the title." Weiss frowned.

"Me neither." Blake added.

Cut to Lemons running towards a line of Red soldiers standing in front of a training facility, The facility shoots a bolt of energy into the sky.

Lemons: "Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Special Officers Lemons."

Ruby, Yang, and Nora snorted.

"Lemons?" Weiss raised an eyebrow. "That's worse than Donut."

Lemons: "Command has seen fit to gather you here today because we believe that each and every one of you exhibit the specific traits we're looking for in commanding officers!"

"Oh this is Sarge's origin!" Nora gasped.

Lemons: "Now, this is not your standard officers training course. Today we are looking for one man and one man only to lead a newly formed team to victory against the Blue devils."

"Look there he is!" Nora pointed at the only regulation red soldier.

"Newly formed team? Grif and Simmons?" Jaune asked.

Blake nodded "Probably, it looks like they're specifically choosing the worst people-"

"Worst? Sarge is a great leader." Nora crossed her arms.

"Specifically choosing certain people." Weiss rolled her eyes, "Anyway, continue Blake."

Blake nodded, "To protect the Alpha, hiding him in plain sight at a simulation base is one thing. But they need to be sure he won't be killed by the enemy team."

"But instead he was killed by his own team." Ruby giggled.

Red Soldiers: "Sir, yes, sir!"

"I heard Sarge's voice in there." Blake mumbled.

Lemons: "Excellent. Now how about we go down the line and introduce ourselves? And I want to know exactly what it is you hope to achieve during your time here in the Red army."

"He acts like he's talking to a group of kids." Weiss noted.

McGruff: "Name's Johnson McGruff. My primary directive is to seek, destroy, and completely eradicate any members of the Blue army, sir!"

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