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Cover Art: Cruz7808

S9E14- Son of a Bitch

"Just like I can't wait to start the next episode. Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge." Yang gestured to the screen.

Jaune sighed sarcastically, "Wow Yang, can you be a little more clear? I'm having a hard time understanding you."

"Pfft yeah sure." Yang smirked, completely ignoring his sarcasm. She sucked in a huge breath.

Ruby growled and clamped her hand over Yang's mouth. "Sorry about her Jaune."

" Son of a Bitch" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Well that's a pleasant title." Weiss grimaced.

"Ah son of a bitch." Yang shook her head dramatically, "tch tch tch."

"I despise you Xiao Long." Weiss growled.

"That's ma name don't wear it out!" Yang smirked.

Ren shook his head with a grin, "I'm assuming the title is a reference?"

Jaune nodded, "Yeah, like the hurgh blegh death noise. People say son of a bitch before dying. I haven't seen it happen in a while."

"Hmm, I wonder if someone will die then." Blake commented.

"I hope not." Ruby winced.

Fade in to Blood Gulch with the Blue team. An earthquake briefly occurs.

Tex: "Ok, pick one."

Church: "Anyone?"

Ren hummed, I highly doubt it will be anyone other than Lopez.

Blake saw Ren's smile and knew he was thinking the same as her.

Tex: "Well, preferably one on that side of the canyon. But uh, I'm not all that choosy."

Tex turns to look at Tucker.

Yang laughed, "I love Tex... so which one do you think they're going to pick."

"Lopez." Ren and Blake chorused.

Ren turned to Nora, expecting her to complain about spoilers.

"Meh, you're probably right." Nora shrugged. "Who should they pick?"

"Lopez." Yang shrugged.

Weiss huffed, "He just came back!"

Ruby grimaced, "He did take Simmons prisoner."

"After he tried to murder him." Weiss pointed out.

Ruby frowned, "Good point."

Nora shrugged, "I just don't want them to pick Sarge or Donut, and if Grif is going to be killed by anyone. It should and will be Sarge!"

Jaune laughed, "Yeah you're right about that. If they shoot anyone it will be Sarge. He is their leader."

Nora nodded, "Yeah he's their most important member! But I bet he'd live."

"All he'd need is mouth to mouth." Jaune pointed out.

Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren laughed.

"Please remind me to never get medical attention from you." Weiss's look settled on Jaune who chuckled nervously.

Tucker: "Why are you looking at me when you say that?"

Tex: "No reason... just pick one and take the shot. I'll cover you if they attack."

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