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Author's note:

This chapter has been a long time coming, very important reactions here. I hope I do it justice.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E10: C.T.

"I won't, I'm excited too." Jaune grinned as he hit play.

" C.T." Appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Hm, I guess we're finally going to learn what happened to C.T." Blake leaned forward.

"Do you still think she got killed by the leader?" Ruby pointed at Blake.

Blake nodded her head, "I do, but I could be wrong."

"He seemed genuine, I don't think he'd want to hurt her." Ruby made her stance clear.

Blake shrugged, "We'll have to see."

"Besides, I still think she used a voice changer like South and was the C.T. we saw in season seven." Ruby added.

"Hm." Blake grunted her understanding. "The C.T. In season seven didn't act like Connie."

"What if it's NEITHER!" Nora gasped.

Blake laughed, "That would be a twist, if it's neither then who is it?"

Nora tapped her chin, "... Grif ."

"Nora there cannot be a sensible explanation for that." Ren shook his head.

"It makes sense! He just uses his holograms to make it look like he's sleeping when he's actually not there! " Nora explained. "It's how he was in two places at once and why Sarge thinks Grif is so lazy!"

Open to Washington and Carolina running across the desert

" ANCIENT ALIEN TEMPLES. PRESENT DAY..." appeared on the screen with the theme.

Wash stops.

Washington: "Here. I have no idea how she got here."

"Grif painstakingly buried her there." Nora answered.

"The wind did all the work." Weiss rolled her eyes.

Carolina walks up.

Carolina: "That's because she didn't."

Washington: "Is that who I think it is?"

"Hm, It is him." Blake smirked.

"Grif?" Nora asked, Blake chuckled and shook her head.

"Aw, I really thought it was her." Ruby sagged. "I wonder what happened to C.T. then?"

"If the C.T. in season seven wasn't her, then she could still be alive." Yang mused.

"I still want to know why and how he stole her armor." Blake's eyes narrowed.

Weiss nodded, "I'm with Ruby, I don't think he killed her. But he has her armor and that's suspicious."

"All we know is that he has her armor, doesn't mean anything." Yang cut in.

"Well the episode is called C.T. for a reason." Jaune explained, "Like you said, we'll find out." Jaune looked at Blake.

"Come on come on." Yang became antsy, "I know there's going to be a Tex fight. I'm just waiting for it to start."

Washington: "If what you're saying is true, how could this have happened?"

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