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Author's note:

NEW AN: I love long reviews and HA big thanks to Lothar for a really long review, I'll keep my response short because I don't want to take up the whole chapter. First off thank you so much for being a fan since the original posting of chapter 1 on FFN. Second, thank you for having the longest review with so much substance. I love long reviews, especially when there's so much to say in them.

In short, I loved the moment when Ironwood shot that counselor because it was a great story moment to show how strong Ironwoods will was. And yes the counselor may have a point and Ironwood could have simply explained his reasoning etc and gotten them to vote. But he was showing that he wasn't wasting time. It was a power move, meant to show that he was in control and their positions didn't matter. Your breakdown of his unelected position and how it could look to others is amazing. I still love this moment and your analysis has given me a LOT to think about.

To be clear I agree with Ironwood but think he should have explained himself etc and if the other counselors didn't agree after that, then they could be imprisoned etc. This is justifiable because Salem is outside. And after that? Then he can face the consequences etc, Ironwood after the threat of Salem is away might accept whatever punishment the Atlas gov deems necessary (flawed as it is). HOWEVER you make a great point, after this move, unless Salem was completely defeated, Ironwood could have remained a dictator because he believed the threat of Salem was still around, hell as I was typing this I thought "Ohh what if Salem was defeated and Ironwood felt that Ozpin is also a danger and stayed in power claiming Ozpin was too much of a threat."

I like history but haven't written a history paper in years, though I did pretty good on the AP tests. (Got a 4 in WHAP. A 3 in APUSH but had a lot going on that year) Reading your review was so fun because I LOVE thinking of RWBY (and really any story world) in a broader sense. Your analysis of Atlas's gov was great, Ironwood really was already in a suspicious role even if he wasn't trying to rule all of Atlas. Two unelected positions. I never thought about that.

Great review! Would love to hear more from you and others in the future.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E6- What's the "I" Stand For?

"What happened in the last season ten episode again?" Nora asked.

"Church and Tucker were going to spy on Carolina and Washington." Ruby answered.

"I know that but what else?" Nora leaned in.

"Oh! We met Theta." Jaune recalled.

"And North had his super awesome sniper test!" Ruby grinned. "It was awesome."

"Oh yeah, and then the reds are worried about Carolina." Nora nodded. "Now I remember."

" What's the "I" Stand For?" Appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Looks like the streak of anthology episodes is over." Jaune commented, chuckling at the title.

"I think they're going to talk about A.I. this episode." Blake guessed.

"I think there will be a distinct lack of intelligence in this episode." Weiss commented, her eyes locked on the 'I' in the title.

"Well.." Pyrrha held up her palm, "Caboose was the one who asked what the I stood for."

The group chuckled.

Open to Carolina staring at a power generator.

Washington walks up to Carolina. "U.N.S.C. WIND POWER FACILITY. PRESENT DAY..." appears on the screen.

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