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Author's Note:

CORRECTION: I changed Blake's thoughts on Adam last chapter, you guys were right. It was OOC for season 2-3 era Blake. Thanks!

This episode had a message that was told way better here than in RWBY. The message of "Friendship in a team matters more than being the best." It's a mouthful but you know what I mean? The parallels can clearly be seen. Sarge explaining how they kicked freelancer ass because he and the others trust each other is way better than team RWBY whining, "Wahh you guys aren't friends so you guys will never be a true team." To the Ace Ops. Even though both are essentially the exact same. One team telling another that friendship is what makes them strong.

Also Sarge makes better motivational speeches than Ruby.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

Story is crossposted on Wattpad, Ao3, and Quotev

S10E20- Reckless

"This episode was full of tragedies." Blake sighed, "We're close to the end of the season and I don't see things getting better from here."

"Maybe things will be better when we see the reds and blues again." Ruby hoped.

"Considering what happened last with the reds and blues.. not likely." Weiss grimaced.

" Reckless" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Reckless.. I have a feeling that refers to Carolina." Pyrrha commented.

"Attacking the Director's hiding place alone is a little reckless." Jaune agreed.

"Carolina has been reckless the entire time we've known her." Pyrrha added, "Every time she competes with Tex, she pushes herself without thinking."

Open to Carolina overlooking the facility from a ledge. Church appears behind her.


Carolina: "How many?"

Church: "None."

Carolina: "Really? You're sure?"

Church: "Positive. We're alone."

"No guards?" Weiss frowned.

"That must mean he has another form of defense." Jaune rubbed his chin.

"He might just be really confident that he won't be found." Ruby suggested.

Jaune shook his head, "Not according to Carolina, she's sure that he knows she'll come for him."

"And he knows how dangerous Carolina is.. I wonder what his defense will be." Pyrrha frowned. "What could beat Carolina now that Tex is gone?"

"The Meta!" Nora shouted with fervor.

"Nora the Meta is dead, I do not know why you want him to come back, or another to take his place." Jaune sighed.

"He was cool, I like his weapon." Nora shrugged.

"He was a great villain." Blake admitted.

Church fades away as Carolina drives her Mongoose through a tunnel. Upon reaching the other end, she dismounts and is called over by Church

Church: "It's up here!"

Carolina walks over to Church to find F.I.L.S.S

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