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Author's note:

One piece of writing I like to praise from RWBY is in season four. Remember the jackass that tried flirting with Weiss? I LOVE that guy's pick up line/strategy. It's so douchie and I haven't seen any other show write such an accurate dick trying to pick up a girl. So often they're overdone and overly acting to the point where they don't feel like a real person. But that Henry Marigold is golden and feels very real.

Especially because young me was an idiot and said the same thing. Cringe memories from the awkward years are fun.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

NEW AN: HA I forgot I did that, I didn't know how to be upfront and clear with my intentions when talking to girls so I'd just repeatedly say "Just being honest" followed by a cringey or very awkward/creepy compliment. God I was an idiot, when I figured out that I could just be myself and talk to a girl normally my life got so much easier. Mimicking the "confidence" of my wannabe thug friends was NOT the way to go about talking to girls. Turns out all you need is confidence, but real confidence. Not like Jaune. If you're awkward, just say "Sorry I'm a little nervous." Then ask a question or something, talk like a normal human being and be yourself. The confidence to be yourself and accept someone might not like who you are is important. Same goes for the confidence to take your own awkwardness/social fuckups in stride. This goes for talking to anyone, not just someone you're interested in.

Sorry for the unwarranted advice, it's just so weird realizing that when I originally wrote this story, I was such a different person. I wish someone had given me this advice back then. I'm just glad I was smart and self aware enough to never fall down the incel/sigma grindset sexist pipeline. I'm comfortable in my masculinity and femininity now :) Anyway! Enjoy the chapter! I've had fun reading all of your reviews!

S10E8- Fall From Heaven

"All those poor A.I." Pyrrha grimaced.

"Delta." Ren listed.

"Tex." Yang continued.

"Theta and the others who we haven't seen yet." Weiss added.

"I feel bad for them, the Meta and Sigma are crazy." Nora twirled her finger in circling motion next to her head for emphasis.

"I even feel bad for Gamma." Ruby admitted.

"But he was just as manipulative." Weiss pointed out with a grimace.

"Yeah he was bad but whatever happened with the Meta couldn't be good." Ruby explained. "They were really creepy when they found Delta."

"Yeah, it was like they were seconds away from chanting 'one of us, one of us.'" Jaune chanted. Ruby giggled.

Ren hummed, "Hm, that's true but when Delta left a message to Church in Caboose's head after being captured by the Meta. He said that the next time Church saw him, he might not want to be helped."

"What does that matter?" Weiss frowned.

"It matters because I think Sigma convinced him to join, and I think he did the same with the others too." Ren explained. "There is a possibility they weren't forced to help the Meta."

Weiss frowned, Ruby gasped, One of Yang's eyebrows tried to leave her forehead. "Uh what?"

"He didn't convince any of them. He stole them away from their freelancers." Blake clarified.

"I mean that he convinced them to stay willingly." Ren explained. "Delta hinted that he would want to stay."

"But why though? To become metastable?" Ruby asked.

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