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Author's note:

I hate the review bug with a passion.

Some people got confused about the last chapter's bonus reaction. It's Barbara and Lindsay voicing it. It's not some random weird thing I wrote. I think it was on an extra life stream but I can't find it. The YouTube video is "RWBY || Ruby's First Period" on Aaron's Edits YouTube channel. It's goddamn funny, I love Barb and Lindsay.

That clip may be a little obscure, but this next Bonus reaction is a little more popular :) idea also from Grifman275

Cover Art: Cruz7808

NEW AN: I'm sorry but seasons 15-18 are dog shit and season 14 doesn't have only good episodes. I'm not subjecting myself to burnout by having them react to episodes I can't stand to watch. The plan isn't changing much anyway, the original intention with this story was for it to end at season 13 because that is the best and most definite ending. However season 19 looks like it might actually be good. So! same plan as before and if season 19 is good I'll write a new fic reacting to it. Might even write a chapter a week as the episodes become available to me. That'd be so fun.

S9E12- Mid-Game Substitution

"I wonder if we'll see her leave him." Blake hummed. "It would be interesting if the prequel storyline ended where Red vs Blue began."

Yang perked up, "I can picture an ending where Tex shows up behind blue base in season one."

Blake nodded, "Exactly."

Nora groaned, "Spoilers!"

Ren shook his head, "We don't know if they're right Nora. None of us can predict the future."

"Fine." Nora rounded towards Yang. "But if you're right I'm accusing you of spoiling." Nora waved a finger in Yang's face.

"Noted." Yang pushed Nora's finger away.

" Mid-Game Substitution" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"That sounds like a sports thing." Ruby said.

"It is." Pyrrha nodded.

"Does it mean anything?" Jaune asked.

"Too soon to say." Pyrrha shrugged. "I can't predict anything from the title the way Blake can."

Blake shrugged, a tiny dark purple patch fell from her pocket.

Nora's eyes widened, "Ohh what's that?"

Blake held up her patch, one of the seven she made. "My patch, do all of you still have yours?"

The group nodded, each fumbling to grab their respective patches. Hand drawn D.I.Y helmets each colored to match their respective owner with their own emblem in the visor.

"I haven't looked at this in like three days, still cool though." Yang flipped hers between her fingers.

Blake shrugged, "I made them at the end of season five. I also redrew the Toon sigil."

Ruby sagged, "Sigil sounds so formal."

"It's appropriate." Weiss held her head high, "And as Ice Queen Weiss, what I say goes."

Blake raised an eyebrow, "I drew it, what I say goes." Blake shook her head and held the Toon Sigil for all to see. A rainbow Halo 3 helmet with the words 'Platoon Rainbow' surrounding it. "I updated the helmet."

Weiss hummed, "Looks nice."

Blake smiled, "Thanks, anyway I'm ready."

Fade inside of the cave where Lopez is standing in front of Simmons. His armor is maroon with a brown trim. Simmons wakes up, chained to a stone ball.

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