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Hello everyone, Author here.

So, I've been at a pass for awhile. This story was the first story I wrote that I was actually proud of and it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Because of that, I really don't want to leave it unfinished. However, I had many personal matters going on at the time of writing this story, which if anyone reading this was around back then, you probably know. Because of that, I was forced to put this book down. When I picked it back up a year later, I no longer felt connected to the characters I had written and lost my sense of where the story line was going to go.

However, I know I can finish this story and I am determined to see it through. I've been pondering on what to do for awhile, and I've came to the decision that I need to start at the beginning and do a complete re-write. Note that not many plot elements will be changed, it is so that I can revise, fix any mistakes, and once again familiarize myself with the characters and get a new sense of where I was to take the story.

I didn't want to do this at first, but simply picking up now and trying to continue the story wasn't working. I was constantly getting writers block and kept making promises that I would update when I wasn't. I know many of my old readers will have forgotten about this story and I don't blame you, I posted it years ago. But I hope that those who are reading this know that I am NOT leaving it behind.

Once again, I'm sorry about all the delay and I'm sure it's caused some annoyance. I'll release all the re-written chapters at the same time so it may be a while. Thank you all for sticking with me <3


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