Chapter Nine - Tied up Ends and Tea Dates

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Death's Gift - Chapter Nine
Tied up Ends and Tea Dates

"How'd it go?" Draco asked as soon as Harry was back in the Slytherin common room.

"You're looking at the new Slytherin seeker." Harry said with an exaggerated bow.

"Don't let it go to your head Potter." Christian told him with a smirk.

"Of course, because you really just let me win so you could focus on your N.E.W.T.s." Harry teased.

Christian shook his head amused, "You beat me fair in square."

"I know." Harry said innocently, bashing his eyes.

Christian laughed and walked away.

"Anyway, I've got a letter to go write." Harry told Draco, disappearing down the stairs to their dorms.

. . . . . . .

The next day at breakfast Harry received his broom from Remus along with a letter from him and Sirius. Before anyone could do or say anything Harry grabbed the broom and walked over to where the twins sat at the Gryffindor table.

"I believe this is yours, gentlemen." Harry said, dramatically handing them the broom.

All three of them wore the same smirk.

"Ah yes." Fred said.

"We shall take this, fine sir." George told him.

Harry saluted to them before heading back to his seat, wanting to reply to Sirius and Remus's letter telling them about this.

. . . . . . .

Later that day Harry received his first note from Dumbledore.

I was wondering if later today at 5 if you would like to join me in my office for some tea.

P.S. Oh how I do like Sherbet Lemons

Harry noted that the time he requested to meet was "coincidentally" the same time that quidditch practice started. The Slytherin's trained from five to seven Tuesday and Thursday after school, four to seven on weekends. Harry had written a reply.

Headmaster Dumbledore,
While I thank you for the invite I unfortunately already have a prior commitment at five today after school, otherwise known as quidditch practice that takes place from five to seven. Perhaps a different time would work better?
Harrison Potter-Black

Harry had asked one of the house elves to deliver it to Dumbledore, reviving a response right before practice.

Would you be able to stop by after practice?

Harry rolled his eyes but knew he couldn't get out of meeting the Headmaster at least once, so he agreed and made his way down to practice, where the twins were waiting with his broom down at the quidditch field. After practice, and stopping by the Great Hall for dinner which went on from six to eight, Harry made his way to the old man's office.

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