Chapter Thirty-One - A Needed Conversation

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Death's Gift - Chapter Thirty-One
A Needed Conversation

Things had gotten better over the next few weeks. Halloween had come and passed, Harry having spent the whole day with all of his friends, he'd even spent some time with Tom, away from the others of course. Now, the winter Holliday's were approaching. Harry currently stood outside in the snow, accompanied by Luna. Harry would usually be with Hermione, but she and Anthony were hanging out in the Library. Anthony hated the cold and would do whatever he could to avoid it, so Hermione had stayed with him, saying she still had an essay she should finish. Luna was currently bent down, her un-gloved hand tracing patterns in the snow.

"You should really put your glove back on." Harry told her, "Your hand will get too cold."

Luna smiled up at him, "Don't worry, my hand is fine. It's only the tip of my finger after all."

Harry rolled his eyes, he looked over to his left at where the Black lake had froze over. He briefly wondered if the ice was thick enough to walk safely on. The windows that showed the lake in his dormitory as well as common room had no signs of being frozen, but he could tell the water was cold based on how they fogged up. Harry decided to leave it be than try it out, better safe than sorry. Instead, he leaned against a snow covered tree, some of it brushing off in the slight breeze. He only had two days left to decided if he would be going home for the Holidays or staying at Hogwarts, and Harry was torn. He missed Sirius and Remus a lot, and couldn't wait to see them again, but, because of how they spent their Christmases, this would be the year they would be going to the Weasley's. Last year they'd gone to Neville's, the year before that everyone had come to their house, now it was time for everyone to go to the burrow. It wasn't that Christmases there weren't fun, they were, with Fred and George's pranks, Bill and Charlie's tales about what kind of things they had encountered through their work, and even Molly's cooking. As much as Harry absolutely hated the women, he had to give her some credit, her food was delicious. Harry sighed.

"What do you think?"

Harry looked over at her drawing, seeing a small heart in the snow with intricate designs around it, two letters inside of it. "H+T". His brows furrowed in confusion.

"What does it mean?" He asked.

"Harry + Tom." Luna answered easily.

Harry chocked, his cheeks heating up, "W-What?!"

Luna looked over at him, she blinked, "Harry + Tom." She repeated.

"I- I heard you- but- why- I- what?" Harry coughed, "Who's Tom?" He asked in the most confused voice he could muster.

"Your friend." Luna told him, "The one I've been covering you for."

"Why- Why did you put our initials in a heart?" Harry asked, genuinely confused.

Luna tilted her head, "Because you like him."

Harry chocked again, "Sorry, what?!"

"You like him." Luna said again, "And he likes you."

Harry shook his head, "No- no. You've- You've got it wrong. We're just friends."

"It doesn't seem that way." Luna commented.

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