Chapter Eleven - "Acquaintances"

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Death's Gift - Chapter Eleven

AN: I know it's not customary to open gifts in front of people in different parts of the world, but I have my reasons for putting that part in so please don't come at me in the comments for it

Thankfully, Remus and Molly called for lunch before Harry and Hermione could lash out, and they definitely would've even with their ability to keep in their emotions. After they ate everyone gathered around the Christmas tree for the gift exchange, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Neville, and Augusta all opening their gifts from each other now as well. They went in a circle, everyone opening a gift at a time. This was also the time that they opened gifts that were magically sent by friends, Harry reviving gifts from Draco, Blaise, Theo, Hannah, Susan, and even Anthony. Harry was glad that he'd gotten them all gifts in return, he'd feel bad if they'd gotten him something and he didn't. Hermione got ones from Blaise, Hannah, Susan, and Anthony, their little study group. Harry went first, opening his gift from Draco. He pulled out a brand new pair of dragon hide boots that appeared to be black but when the light hit them they were a deep green that almost glimmered in the light, he loved them. Hermione went, opening her's from Anthony, getting a group of three books on all different subjects that she'd talked to him about being interested in. Then Neville, opening his from Harry and getting an advanced Herbology book. Harry knew the boy would love the subject in the future and was hoping to spark his interest in it sooner. Ron and Ginny went, both opening their from Harry and getting an assortment of sweets from Honeydukes. Then Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Sirius, Remus, Jean, Dave, Augusta, Percy, and the twins, then back to Harry.

It went on like this for awhile. Harry received prank things from the twins, a book about parselmagic from Hermione which he surprisingly didn't already have, a whole new set of quidditch gear from Sirius and Remus, sweets from Ron, a green sweater with a silver 'H' on it from Molly, a book on Dragons from Charlie, a book about advanced curses and how to block/break them from Bill, a muggle storybook from Arthur, a new set of robes from Augusta, a book on spell creation from Neville, books on various subjects from Hannah, Susan, and Anthony, a wand holster from Theo (the boy had asked Harry why he didn't have one and Harry explained that he just hadn't found one that suited him enough.) that, like the boots, appeared to be black but was a glimmering green when it was hit by the light just right, and Harry was currently opening his last gift, the one from Blaise.

He had received a letter from his friend along with the gift, telling him which parts to open first as it had multiple different boxes. This perked Harry's interest and he opened to top box to reveal a rat chew toy. Needless to say this confused everyone, but Harry continued onto the next book, pulling out a bed-like mat that must've had a warming charm on it because Harry had to quickly set it down so his hands didn't get too hot. Harry then opened the last one, he noted that the sides of the box had holes in them. Once he took the lid off a head popped out, a scaly head. Gasps flew around the room and Harry marveled at the snake.

*Are you the speaker?* the snake asked.

*Yes* Harry replied.

*What is your name Speaker?*

*Harrison, although my friends call me Harry. What is yours?*


*That's a beautiful name.*

*Why thank you.*

"Harrison... did- did Blaise get you a pet snake?" Sirius asked, a bit pale.

Harry looked up from Anemone, at his adoptive father, "I wouldn't say she's a pet, more of a companion."

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