Chapter Six - Hogwarts Letters

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Death's Gift - Chapter Six
Hogwarts Letters

Harry's "Prediction" about McGonagall showing up at Hermione's house on Jean's birthday to deliver her letter turned out to be true. The family had invited Harry, Sirius, and Remus over for a small celebration. Needless to say McGonagall was surprised to see Sirius, Remus, and Harry standing alongside the Grangers when she did arrive.

"Minnie?" Sirius asked, confused.

"Sirius? What are you doing here?" The witch asked back, just as confused.

"Jean invited us over to celebrate her birthday. Hermione and Harrison are close friends."

"And how would Harrison come to know Ms. Granger?"

"Because we live next door." Harry told her.

McGonagall's expression darkened, "You did not tell Dumbledore you moved. No wonder he hasn't been able to find Harrison."

"I don't see the need to inform Albus every time I make a decision in my life. As for why he is looking for my son I would very much like to know." Sirius shot at her.

McGonagall opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it, seemingly rethinking her words, "This is not the time nor place for this discussion. I have come to see the Grangers."

"Are you here to give me my Hogwarts letter?" Hermione asked.

Needless to say, all of the adults were shocked.

"Miss Granger, how did you come to know of Hogwarts?" McGonagall breathed.

"Harry's told me all about it. He even lent me Hogwarts A. History to read."

McGonagall turned towards Harry who shrugged, "I knew she was a witch since the day I met her."

Jean and Dave turned to each other, "A witch?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, I can assure you that your daughter is, in fact, a witch. She has been invited to go to the best school for witches and Wizards like herself, Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have come to deliver her letter as well as help introduce you to our world." McGonagall informed them.

"Now, I don't know what kind of prank you're trying to pull-" Dave began.

"Dad! It's not a prank!" Hermione told him, "Please."

"Your letter, Miss Granger." McGonagall handed her the thick envelope.

"Maybe we can go to Diagon Alley together to get our school supplies. My letter hasn't come yet but when it does we can." Harry offered.

Hermione beamed, "I'd love that."

"What are you all talking about?!" Jean exploded.

"Jean, Dave, I know this may be hard to hear but magic exists. Sirius and myself are both wizards, so is Harrison. You're daughter is what we call a muggle born, a magical child born into a magicless family." Remus told them.

"But that's impossi-"

Whatever Dave was going to say he stopped mid sentence when Sirius whipped out his wand and started making the salt and pepper shakers dance around the room.

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