Chapter Twenty - The Next Step

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Death's Gift - Chapter Twenty
The Next Step

Harry blinked, "You're proud?"

Sirius nodded, "My son is an extraordinary wizard, probably one of the best I've ever seen. How could I not be proud?"

Harry smiled and hugged Sirius, the man hugging him back.

"Though don't ever feel like you ever have to keep anything hidden from me, okay?" Sirius told him.

Harry's heart gave a twang of guilt, he had many things that he had to keep hidden from his father, not forever, but for a little while longer.

"Okay..." Harry agreed.

Harry repaired the Grangers house, before taking a breath and marching over to the Aurors.

"What happened?" He demanded.

The two looked down at him, one of them giving him a slight glare.

"Get out of here kid, this is none of your business." He spat at him.

Harry's eyes widened before he got angry, "Damn right it's my business! First I was drugged and attacked by Death Eaters at the festival in Paris and now they're attacking where I live! I may only be twelve, but I've managed to do more here already the you and your whole lot of Aruors have done this whole time!" Harry flung his hand out, gesturing at the two already perfectly restored houses.

The two looked at him, the one who told him to beat it' jaw dropped.

"Just who are you?" He growled at Harry.

Harry raised an eyebrow, with how many pictures were taken of him every time he left the house he figured that everyone could recognize him in a crowd.

"Harrison James Potter-Black, and I don't exactly appreciate Voldemort's bloody Death Eaters attacking me every single summer." He told the man venomously.

His eyes widened, "W-What?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "Do you have some sort of hearing problem?"

The man's glare returned, "Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can just ignore blatant respect-"

The other man placed a hand on his partner's shoulder, "Phill, shut up already."

The man that Harry now knew as Phill opened his mouth to reply, but the other cast a silencing charm on him, he then proceeded to turn to Harry.

"I am sorry that this keeps happening to you Mr. Potter-Black, though I can assure you that we have everything under control-"

"Like hell you have everything under control!" He told him, "If my best friends family had been home at the time they would likely be dead, she might have been dead. If I had been home at the time I could've been ambushed by Death Eaters again! Don't you dare tell me that you have control over this when you clearly don't. If you did then the Death Eaters wouldn't have been able to attack us in the first place because they would all be in Azkaban!"

The man paled slightly, he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Look, I know how irritating this situation is, but we are doing all we can at the moment, now if you would just let us do our job-"

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