Chapter Eighteen - A Friendly Chat

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Death's Gift - Chapter Eighteen
A Friendly Chat

Harry made his way home with Remus and Sirius, unpacking and eating dinner with his fathers. When he returned to his room later that night to go to sleep a man entered his mind.

'When will you be able to meet with me?' Voldemort asked.

Harry rolled his eyes, 'Geez Voldemort. You can't even let me have a day with my family without protruding my thoughts.'

'Must you always be so unpleasant? You always shave some kind of snarky remark, don't you?'

Harry smirked, 'Yeah, a specialty of mine.'

Harry could practically feel Voldemort roll his eyes.

'Anyway, it'll have to be a few days, possibly a week or two before I should ask to meet up with anyone. I just got back from months of being at school with my friends, if I ask to visit people too soon then they'll get the idea that I don't want to be around them.' Harry told him.

'Why do you want to be around them?'

'Because they're my family. I love Sirius and Remus.' Harry told him simply.

'Just because people are family doesn't mean you love them.' Voldemort said.

'Like my aunt and uncle, yeah great muggles. Sirius and Remus aren't anything like them.'

Voldemort hummed in response.

Harry rolled his eyes, 'I know you see emotions as a weakness, but it's actually the complete opposite. If I can actually think that maybe at some point I would've join you anyway without being forced into it this soon then you can at least consider the idea that maybe emotions make you stronger other than weaker.'

Voldemort didn't reply, instead he pulled out of Harry's mind, the boy shaking his head in response. Harry got up and dressed into his pajamas, pulling the curtains around his bed closed, he drifted off.

.          .          .          .          .          .          .

A few days later, maybe a week had passed by, Hermione came over to the house. Sirius had opened the door to the twelve year old holding a book.

"Hello Sirius," Hermione greeted, "I brought a book over that Harry asked to borrow. Is here here right now?"

"Yeah, he's in his room." Sirius told her, stepping aside to let the girl in.

"Thank you!" Hermione said before running up the stairs.


Harry's head shot around as Hermione burst through his door.

"Happy early birthday! I know it isn't for awhile, but I finished your gift and I thought it would be better if you had it sooner rather than later."

Harry smiled, "You made a book?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and opened the book half way to reveal that it was a box. Inside were a mixture of potions. Ten blue and ten red. Harry raised an eyebrow.

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