Chapter Thirty-Two - Tom's Expression and Hermione's Surprise

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Death's Gift - Chapter Thirty Two
Tom's Expression and Hermione's Surprise

"Why would I care?" Tom breathed.

Harry froze when he heard Tom's voice. Just that, as well as the look in his eyes was enough to send chills down his spin. He forced himself to nod, not trusting his own voice. Tom's hand that was still on his wrist tightened it's grip slightly. Harry briefly glanced over at where it was pressed against the door, though his eyes snapped back to Tom in less than a second.

"Because you're mine."

Before Harry could realize it Tom had closed the short distance between them in one fluid movement. He felt the man's lips on his in a a slow, unmoving kiss. Then, Tom pulled away slowly, as if just seeming to realize what he'd done. His grip on Harry's wrist fell. Harry blinked, bringing his recently freed hand down to touch his lips. He looked up at Tom in confusion. The man was staring back at him, eyes wide.

"Tom..?" Harry asked in a small voice, it being muffled by the hand over his mouth.

Tom didn't reply, he just stared at Harry, like he was temporarily frozen in shock. Harry reached behind him and found the door handle, quickly pulling on it and swinging himself out of the room, closing it behind him. Harry held his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide, his cheeks a light pink. Hesitantly, he pulled the hand away, touching his lips with a finger. He pressed his back against the door. A brief flash of the kiss flew through Harry's mind. It... It was.... Harry shook his head. No, no, he shouldn't even thinking about how mine blowing it felt to kiss Tom. No, he should be storming back in there and yell at him for doing that to him. Then... why couldn't he bring himself to do it? Harry clenched his jaw and pushed off from the door, making his way down to the Slytherin common room. He was too tired to think of anything right now.

. .         .         .         .         .         .

"Harry! Get up!"

Harry was startled awake at the yell and the sudden weight on top of him. His eyes fell on a mess of bushy hair.

"Hermione?! How in Merlin's name did you get into my dorm?!"

The Ravenclaw pulled her head up, a smirk on her face, "Well, I do happen to know a few Slytherins as well. They have a way of getting away with things."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Why did you wake me up?"

Hermione looked at him, "Harry, I know it's a weekend, but it's almost three."

"Oh..." Harry's gaze fell.

"How did you sleep for that long?"

"Er- I uh... I couldn't fall asleep until around eight am."

The girl's eyes widened, "What? Why? You're not having more nightmares are you?"

A brief image flashed through Harry's mind and he shuddered, burying his face in his hands, to hide his now red cheeks, "Not of what you think..."

"Harry! Why didn't you tell me they were happening again?!" Hermione scolded him.

"Tonight was the first night it happened!" Harry defended himself, "Well- second- it happened once before, when I was in Paris with Theo."

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