Chapter Thrity-Three - Realized Feelings

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Death's Gift - Chapter Thirty-Three
Realized Feelings

By the time Hermione had actually managed to drag Harry out of bed it was well past lunch and almost dinner time. Currently their group sat in the library, studying. Harry's eyes roamed the room, he had already finished his work, it was easy when you already knew everything. Eventually his eyes fell on the doorway as he watched people come in and out. Suddenly, he shot up from his chair and ducked into the nearest row of bookshelves.

"Harry?" Draco asked, he'd been sitting right next to the boy, but Harry was to far away to hear his hushed voice.

"He probably went to find a different book." Hannah offered.

"But why did he shoot up like that?" Susan asked.

"Who knows." Blaise said, "Harry just does weird things sometimes."

Hermione snorted, remembering their earlier conversation, "Actually, I don't think it had anything to do with a book."

Everyone at the table turned to look at her.

"What do you mean?" Neville asked.

Hermione shrugged, "I think Harry just got a bit nervous."

Luna leaned over towards Hermione, "Did he tell you?" She asked so quietly that Hermione could barely hear her.

The girl nodded.

"What are you guys talking about?" Theo asked, "It's as if there's some secret Ravenclaw language or something."

"More like girl language." Anthony told him, "I've got no clue what they're on about."

Hermione looked towards where Harry's gaze had been, but no one was there.

"Harry had some good luck with a friend." Luna told them.

Everyone shared a look.

"Harry got himself a girlfriend and he's avoiding her?!" Draco exclaimed in a whisper.

"Smooth, real smooth." Blaise teased.

"Harry doesn't have a girlfriend." Hermione told them, "Even if he did, what are the odds of it being someone not at this table? We're basically the only people who he'll give his time of day."

"That one Hufflepuff girl, Flora, asked him out." Anthony said.

"Yeah, but I don't think Harry realized it was supposed to be a date." Theo told him.

Draco, Blaise, and Hermione all nodded.

"Let's just hope that whatever Harry's doing that it doesn't last too long." Luna said, they all agreed.

. . . . . . .

Harry sighed in relief the moment he saw Tom leave the library. He didn't know why the man had come in the first place, but he'd watched as he eyed the table where his friends sat suspiciously before exchanging a word with Madam Pince, leaving after. After what happened the last day Harry wasn't sure if he could be around the man anymore. Subconsciously, his hand moved up to touch his lips, almost as if he could still feel the kiss. He regretted not storming into that office and yelling at Tom for doing it without his permission. At least things would've been cleared up to some point. Now it was just going to be extremely awkward whenever he saw him. Harry walked through the shelves, looking for a book so he'd have an excuse when he went back. Though he found it hard to concentrate on titles. He slowed to a stop as he remembered what had happened. How Tom had been jealous of Luna, how he'd been pinned to the door, the man's iron like grip on his wrist, the feel of his lips on his... Harry shook his head. It was just a kiss, he'd kissed Ginny tons of times before, though, none of them ever felt like that. Ginny's kisses made his stomach wrench and made him want to throw up. Tom's kiss was... different. There was something about it that made Harry's legs want to give out, something about it that made his head fuzzy, something that made him want more...

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