Chapter Ten - Christmas Holidays

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Death's Gift - Chapter Ten
Christmas Holidays

"Harry... Harry, Harry!"

"Huh?!" Harry was pulled out of his daze.

Hermione sighed and crossed her arms, "You've been out of it all morning."

Harry realized that they were on the train, no doubt going home for the holidays. How did he not notice that he'd boarded? The same thing had happened at breakfast when Draco had shaken him back to reality.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked.

Harry bit his lip instead of replying. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was just that he didn't know what was going on. Ever since he'd given Voldemort the stone he just felt... off. It was as if he'd forgotten something really important. The feeling was still there by the time he woke up and Harry just couldn't place it. He'd already re-run both of his "meetings" with Voldemort over and over in his head, trying to grasp what he was missing.

"I dunno..." Harry told her weakly.

Hermione frowned and got up, sitting next to Harry. She grabbed his hand as she'd done so many years ago to comfort him when he'd had his meltdown, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Harry squeezed her hand shaking his head.

Hermione sighed and placed her other hand over Harry's, "Okay, I'm always here if you ever change your mind."

Harry smiled at her, "Thanks 'Mione."

Just then the door was pushed open and the twins walked in. They took one look at Hermione and Harry, who'd frozen on the spot. Identical malicious smiles appeared on their faces.

"Do you two want some alone time?" Fred asked, wiggling his eyebrows

"We'd hate to intrude on your cuddle session." George added.

Harry couldn't help himself, he started laughing, "I think we've been caught Hermione."

Hermione rolled her eyes, a smile on her face, "We weren't even doing anything."

"Then what was with that hand holding?" They asked.

"Is it a crime to try to comfort your best friend?!" She asked, crossing her arms.

"C'mon 'Mione. We all know you love me." Harry teased.

Hermione walked him in the back of his head.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, his hand touching where she'd hit him.

"No so sure now are you?" She teased back, a self satisfied smirk on her face.

The twins started laughing.

"Oh do you two want some of my love too?" She asked, rolling up her sleeves.

"No ma'am!" Fred said through his laughs.

"Keep your love far far away from our beautiful faces." George told her.

They all started laughing.

"What's going on?"

Death's GiftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz