Chapter Four - The Move

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Death's Gift - Chapter Four
The Move

Harry loved living with Sirius and Remus, it was amazing, but there was one major downside to it- the Weasleys. Sirius and Remus were both good friends with Molly and Arthur through the Order and they met up at least three times a year, sometimes more. Harry's third birthday was when he "first" remembered meeting them, after a year of living with Sirius and Remus. He'd just been blood adopted and it was at his birthday party. The Weasleys, The Longbottoms, Mad eye, and Dumbledore had all been invited. Harry had managed to avoid his old headmaster for the most part, accept for the introduction at the beginning.

Harry had been playing with Neville when Dumbledore showed up. Looking from him so Sirius he asked his adoptive father something.

"Who's that?" He pointed to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore saw this and made his way over.

"Hello, Sirius, Remus. Thank you for inviting me to celebrate this wonderful occasion."

"Of course Albus." Remus said.

"Harrison, this is Albus Dumbledore. He's the headmaster at Hogwarts." Sirius introduced him to the toddler.

Dumbledore smiled his grandfatherly smile down at Harry, "Why hello there Harry."

"My name is Harrison." Harry said, staring the man dead in his eyes.

Dumbledore's smile twitched.

"Harrison, we call you Harry all the time." Remus told him.

Harry looked at them, "But I know you. He's a stranger. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

Remus sighed.

"I'm not a stranger, I was very good friends with your parents." Dumbledore said, trying to keep his composure.

Harry shook his head, "Not to me. Nev is my friend."

Neville who was still by Harry hugged him. Dumbledore's smile became a slight frown. Sirius gave him an apologetic look.

"Harrison is very particular about who he keeps close to him, don't take it personally." Remus reassured Dumbledore.

"Of course, of course..."

Harry was never forced to talk to Dumbledore again.

Harry spent most of his time with his Godbrother, Neville. They were so close by now they could practically be brothers, the Longbottoms visited quite often and visa versa. Meanwhile, Harry avoided Ron and Ginny like the plague. When Sirius and Remus had asked him why about halfway through his third birthday party Harry simply stated that Ginny had cooties and Ron had been mean to Neville, he didn't want to be friends with a bully. The grown up shook their heads at this but let the boy carry on. Harry had also befriend Fred and George, often going to Arthur instead of Molly when he needed something as well. Harry, Fred, and George often played pranks of everyone else, Neville staying out of any mischief. Harry was surprised at how good he was when it came to pranking, maybe part of that had been affected by the compulsions before or it was just from being raised by two muraders. Sirius had even found one of their pranks so hilarious that he'd taken to calling them the next generation of marauders. Fred and George had been confused, as well as the others, but Harry understood what it was and he took pride in it.

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