Chapter Seventeen - Second Year

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Death's Gift - Chapter Seventeen
Second Year

The rest of the summer flew by for Harry. With the compulsions off he started to feel more at peace with himself and started leaving his room again, meeting up with friends, hanging out with Sirius and Remus. One thing that had changed though was that Harry had started talking to Voldemort, a lot. The man had begun to lecture Harry at times about his views and the things the ministry had done to make Wizards more muggle. Such as the banning of Yule and Samhain rituals, and replacing them with Halloween and Christmas. The thing that surprised Harry the most was that it all made sense, why Voldemort had done the things he did, why he was fighting. It also made sense why everyone on the light side a oblivious to it all, Dumbledore wasn't just manipulating Harry, he was manipulating everyone. A few times Voldemort had entered Harry's mind when he was thinking about those kinds of things and chuckled, Harry cursed him for always appearing at the worst times. He would never openly admit to it but he was actually starting to see the truth to the other side of the war, the side that he'd been forced to ally with, the side of Voldemort.

Harry was returning to Hogwarts in a week and he was currently at Flourish and Bolts, under a glamour so that people wouldn't recognize him. Sirius and Remus had taken to doing this as well, surprised that Harry knew the spell. He was up on the second floor, looking for interesting books when he remembered something that happened here last time.

'Is Lucius going to give Ginny the diary again this time?' Harry asked Voldemort in his head.

The moment that Harry was forced to open his mind to Voldemort the man had had gone through everything that was in it. Coincidentally, finding out about everything that had happened to Harry, this life and the last.

'No. I won't have my Horcrux destroyed.' Voldemort said.

Harry rolled his eyes, 'By now you've killed me probably at least twenty times, you have no problem destroying the Horcrux that's inside of me.'

'The part that is in you comes back with you when you come back. So I cannot destroy it.'

Harry scoffed, getting a weird look from the lady that was standing next to him in the book shop. She moved away slightly and Harry realized that to everyone else he'd just scoffed out of nowhere. A realization that seemed to be amusing to Voldemort.

'You needn't worry about anything happening over this school year, after all, I cannot make any attempt on your life while you're in school.'

'I always knew I was forgetting something. I can't believe I left that bloody loophole in.'

'Yes, perhaps that is why you didn't make Ravenclaw.'

'Shove off.'

The chuckling voice faded away and Harry continued looked for an interesting book.

.          .          .          .          .          .          .

Harry walked out of a fire place on onto platform nine and three quarters, joining Remus, Sirius right behind him. After giving both men a hug goodbye, Harry boarded the train along with Hermione, Neville, Fred, and George. The five of them getting a compartment together. Harry unwrapped his invisibility cloak that he had temporarily attached to the top of his trunk and Anemone slid out, resting on the empty seat next to him. She's gotten too big to be concealed under Harry's robe in any way. The group of young marauders joked and talked the whole ride there, Harry, Fred, and George planning a few more pranks for the new school year, Hermione and Neville occasionally joining in . When the train reached Hogsmeade station Harry waved bye to them and got into a carriage with Draco, Blaise, and Theo. Harry and Blaise striking up a conversation about an essay they had to write for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Once the carriages reached Hogwarts the group of four made their way into the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony and the start of term feast. Harry didn't really pay attention to the sorting, except for when he briefly caught eyes with Luna who winked at him before walking over to the Ravenclaw table, sitting down next to Hermione. He eyed her for awhile, wondering just how much she knew, before he chose to leave it. Luna will be Luna. After the sorting was finished Dumbledore stood for his speech, Harry's scar started searing with pain.

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