Chapter Twenty-Five - Dealing with the Dark

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Death's Gift - Chapter Twenty-Five
Dealing with the Dark

Harry didn't get any sleep. Every time he closed his eyes a different memory of his abusive years with the Dursleys would come to mind, he hated it. Harry's tossed and turned, eventually giving up and getting out of bed, pulling out a book and starting to read it. By the time morning came Harry was exhausted, though he shook off his grogginess by taking a nice cold shower. When he emerged he got dressed his his typical clothes but packed some dueling robes in a pouch that he'd magically expanded. He threw some dueling boots in there too, along with two, well secured, potions. Today was the day that he was planning to get his revenge on the Dursleys. Harry still wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with what he had planned, but Tom kept reassuring him that he would feel better after it was done. Harry put the pouch in his pocket and grabbed his wand holster from the desk, securing it to his right arm and placing his wand into it. He looked out the window at the still rising sun. Harry sighed, was he really doing this? He shook his head, no, he shouldn't be doubting himself. Taking a deep breath Harry stepped out of his bedroom, walking downstairs to make some breakfast.

A bit after Harry had finished eating Remus came down and started to make some coffee.

"You're up early cub." The werewolf noted.

Harry nodded, "Couldn't get much sleep."

"Are you that exited to go and see your friend?" Remus asked, raising his eyebrows up and down.

Harry looked at him from over the Daily Prophet which he had started to skim, "Whatever you're thinking is wrong."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Anything interesting?"

Harry dropped the paper, "Nope. Just more bogus articles by Rita Skeeter."

"What are they about? Every article has some truth to it."

"Some new book by Gildory Lockheart."

"Oh, he has a new book out?" Remus asked, intrigued, "What's it called?"

Harry looked at the werewolf as if he was crazy, "You know he's just a giant fraud right?"

Remus raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

Harry shrugged, "I just do."

Remus laughed and ruffled Harry's hair, grabbing the paper. He picked up his mug of coffee and started to read, but a few pages in he choked.

"Remus?! Are you ok?!" Harry asked immediately.

Remus set his mug down and coughed a few times for smiling, "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Sorry, this just took me by surprise."

"What did?" Harry asked.

Remus pointed to and article in the Prophet and Harry's jaw dropped.

"Quirinus Quirrell, Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher for the Past two Years as well as Muggle Studies Teacher Since 1981 Retires"

"Quirrell's retiring?!" Harry exclaimed, how had he missed it before?

"Seems so, it makes me wonder why." Remus muttered the end.

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