Chapter Twenty-Two - A Meeting

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Death's Gift - Chapter Twenty-Two
A Meeting

The next day when Harry woke up he couldn't get the image of Voldemort's crimson red eyes out of his mind. Though, he didn't really find himself caring as he got ready. He pulled the 'book' that Hermione had given him off his shelf and grabbed a blue and red potion. It always felt so good to be his actual age again. Harry looked at the eight he had left and he bit his lip, did he only have eight more times? Sure, he didn't mind being a teen again, though puberty was going to be a handful. Harry shrugged and slid the book back into its place amongst the other books on his shelf. Securing both of the potions safely in his pocket Harry made sure he had his wand in his holster and his invisibility cloak in his pocket, he really did love magical expansion spells. Harry looked at himself in the mirror, making sure that he didn't have a complete and utter bed head because that would've been embarrassing no matter who saw him. Once he deemed himself adequate Harry made his way downstairs, seeing Remus in the kitchen holding a mug of coffee, occasionally taking a sip, while reading the Daily Prophet. His eyes glanced up when he heard Harry.

"Oh, Harrison, good morning."

"Morning." Harry greeted as he opened the pantry to get some bread.

"Are you planning to go somewhere?" Remus asked, taking in him being fully dressed.

Harry put two pieces of toast into the toaster oven, "Yeah, Draco invited me over. He and his father are coming to pick me up in a bit."

Remus nodded, "Once Sirius finally wakes up we're going to start working on the runes, which we won't be able to stop once we start. If they don't get here before then just leave a note on the door saying that you've left, we'll see it."

Harry nodded, that had been what he was planning to do anyway, since the Malfoys weren't coming here and hadn't invited him in the first place. Just then a groggy man drug himself down the stairs.

Remus smiled, "There you are. I was wondering when you were going to actually get out of bed."

"Yeah yeah." Sirius said, waving his hand at Remus.

"Eat your breakfast and then we'll start."

Sirius nodded and grabbed some cereal out of the pantry. Once he was finished eating he and Remus disappeared into the drawing room. Harry scribbled a quick note out and told Voldemort through his mind that he was about to leave. Harry left the note on the kitchen counter since he had no way to put it on the door, tape was in the drawing room. He double checked that Anemone and Hedwig would be good for the day, they both preferred to hunt so Harry didn't have to worry about them not getting food, and once he thought that they would be good he left, making his way to an alley behind the house. He carefully pulled the blue potion out of his pocket and drank it, feeling the sensational of himself growing rapidly.

"Kreatcher?" Harry called once he was grown up completely.

The house elf appeared in front of him, "What can Kreatcher do for young Master?"

Harry smiled at his friend, "Can you take me to Riddle Manor?"

Kreatcher nodded and grabbed Harry's leg, teleporting them just outside the wards.

"Why does young Master come here?" Kreatcher asked.

Harry looked down at the elf, "I have an ally here that I speak to from time to time."

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