Chapter Three - His New Beginning

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Death's Gift - Chapter Three
His New Beginning

When Harry awoke he was in chaos. He saw the steps of his first home, his ears consumed of yelling, footsteps, and heaven breathing. Suddenly, a door slammed and he heard his mother's voice whispering to him.

"It's ok my little Harrison, everything's ok."

She cradled him in her arms, holding him in a protective way. Then, the sounds stopped, Harry knew that his father was dead. Lily let out a whimper at the new found silence and tried to sink in closer to the corner of the room where the crib lie. She let out a scream when the door was blasted open, in stepped a man wearing a black cloak that shadowed his face. Lily set Harry down in his crib and turned around.

"Step aside girl!" The man told her.

Harry recognized that voice, it was Tom Riddle, or Lord Voldemort, before his snake-like transformation.

"No, please! Please not Harrison! Anyone but my Harry!" Lily pleaded, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold her own against the dark lord himself.

"I said stand aside you foolish girl!"


"Avada Kadavra!"

Harry watched as his mother crumbled, lifeless, to the ground. Voldemort stepped over her body and looked over the crib, Harry getting a clear view of his face. He was practically identical to the Tom Riddle Dumbledore had shown him while he was still at Hogwarts, only his eyes were a crimson red instead of a deep brown. Smiling, Voldemort pointed his wand directly into Harry's face.

"Avada Kadavra."

Harry felt his magic react and shielded himself, causing Voldemort's curse to rebound and hit him instead. Harry felt a blinding pain after Voldemort died, his vision becoming slightly red. Feeling the warm liquid on his face Harry knew that his scar was bleeding, which also meant that he'd just become Voldemort's Horcrux again. The pain subsided and Harry waited about five minutes before someone else burst into the room. Snape looked around, assessing the situation, then immediately ran to Lily's side. He knew she was dead. Harry watched as the man started sobbing, standing up and whipping his tears, he notice Harry. Snape rushed over to the crib and picked him up, with a flick of his wand the blood was washed away from Harry's face. Harry blinked up at him while the man stared down at him in fascination.

"It can't be..." Snape's eyes flicked up to the scar.

Suddenly, a beam from the roof fell, almost hitting them. Snape jumped into action and ran from the room, feeling the house that was about to crumble, holding Harry close. Harry had never known that it was actually Snape who had saved him from the house, he'd always thought that it was Dumbledore.

"Where's my godson?! Lily! James!"

Harry heard Sirius's voice and turned to see his Godfather trying to get through the crowd that had gathered. Sirius froze when he saw Snape leaving the house, almost directly after he started pushing everyone out of the way to get to them.

"What did you do you filthy Death Eater?!" Sirius growled.

"I had nothing to do with this." Snape snapped.

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