Fathers and Sons

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WC: 1,901

"So this is what we're doing, huh? We're just sailing out," JJ throws his arms around. "We're just gonna forget about John B? We should never have left him. We're turning right back around."

"No! We're all gonna get caught. What type of plan is this?" Cleo shouts at him.

"It's a plan to stick together, Cleo."

"Then we are dead together."

Kiara looks up, "She's right. We had to leave, or we'd all be zip-tied in the back of a pickup. We did the right thing."

Bella sighed and looked at the phone again, she's tried calling John B but he hasn't picked up.

It finally starts to ring.

"Hey hey!" Bella sits up from her spot, "The phone!"

They all crowd around her as it rings.

"It's definitely John B. Hold on," JJ says. Bella passed the phone to him. "Yo! Yo! Dude! Is this you?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Speaker, speaker," Kiara says.

"What- do you need us to turn around?" JJ shouts into the phone, "Yo, say it again. Say it again."

"I said don't worry about me, ok?"

"We do not copy. Can you-"

Sarah lets go of the wheel and Bella takes over. "Let me talk to him." She snatches the phone. "John B?"


"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Everything's good."

She sighs in relief, "He's fine. Thank god. What happened?"

"I found my-"

"Wait. What'd you say? John B?"

"Sarah? Sarah?"

"I- I can't hear you. John B."

"Get out of there. I'll meet you on Kildare, ok?"

"Kildare? Kildare, when?" Sarah pulls the phone away as it cuts off, "John B? No, no, no, John B!" She tries to get him back on but nothing works.

Bella sighs, "We're too far out from any towers. It's not gonna work, I'm sorry Sarah."

"Kildare. What the hell?"

Cleo asks, "You guys think he found his father?"

"I hope he did," Bella had a small smile. "I mean there's a chance."

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