The Coastal Venture pt II

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WC: 1,536

"Attention, all passengers, all crew, report to the tween forward hull," the captain says. "That's an order. Repeat all hands and all passengers report to the tween forward hull immediately."

John B grins, "They did it. They took the bridge."

"That's our boy," JJ smiles.

Bella nods, "Let's do this."

"Alright, split up. Once they're all in the hull, Kie and I will lock them inside," JJ explains.

"I'll find Sarah and get the lifeboat," John B says. 

Bella nods, "And I get supplies for our inevitable couple days at sea, enough for us all."

"Then we'll meet you, load up the cross, and get outta here," Kiara finishes.

"Ok, let's roll," JJ crawls out of the container first.

John B follows, Kiara struggles a bit, but Bella helps her. Bella double-checks that Kiara is down before swinging herself out.

They all check to see if anyone is around before splitting off.


Bella takes a deep breath in and double-checks corners, pausing every now and then waiting for someone to pass.

She gets to the kitchen and shuts the door letting out a breath.

"Hey!" A man shouts at her from behind.

She whips around, and surges forward, not really thinking. 

One. Two.

Bella cringes as he collapses to the floor, the force of her punches being enough to knock him out, "Sorry!"

She steps over him and quickly removes the pot that the man was finishing off the stove. She searches around for a bag and throws a clean pot, salt and pepper, and as many water bottles as she can carry, alongside a few cans she saw.

"I think that'll be fine, right? I mean we can fish," Bella sighed and tossed the bag over her shoulder.

She rushed around quietly until she found the lifeboat, she tossed both her bags onto it. Bella was about to start to lower it, when she stopped, "Shit. Flares. I don't have flares."

She looked down at the bags, "Nope, not gonna say that out loud and jinx us. I'll just be right back." Bella took a few steps back before running off.


"Sarah!" John B shouted.

Bella turned the corner, forgetting about the flares, "B!" She ran up to him. "Lifeboat, south side, two bags in it. Where's Sarah?"

"I don't know!"

"Ok, ok, I'll help."

The two started making their way down to the engine room. 

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