Trapped pt II

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WC: 1,957

They make it back to the church and go inside. No cross.

"It's gone," Kiara says. 

JJ kicks a cushion, "Damn it! I knew I didn't hide it well enough! Damn it!"

"It's not your fault Jay," Bella grabbed his hand again. "Pope was dying."

"Ok, what do we do? What do we do? Ok, think, think, think."

Pope walks up to the altar.

"We need a plan. We need a plan. What's the plan?" JJ pants. "Alright here's what we do. We'll grab some kerosene tanks from the Chat, and then we... we go to my dad's shop and grab some dynamite. And then we drive down to Charleston and tell this lady who she's messing with! Cause this is some bullshit y'all!"

Bella places her hand on his chest and he stops.

Sarah crosses her arms, "That's not gonna help."

"Well what is, Sarah?"

John B speaks up, "I'm thinking, ok? We can't just go blow shit up, JJ."

"We need to find out where they are taking it," Bella sighed. "We can't do much with the little info we have."

"Pope, I'm sorry," JJ looked at his friend.

Pope wasn't really paying much attention, "Denmark would've stood right here... preaching to everyone he set free. A slave, the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant, he got the gold and the cross, and he brought them both to shore and used it to free every person who walked through those doors. He made a church, a family, a congregation... a home. And the Limbrey's took everything from him. They sicced dogs on his wife and kids, and when he tried to get her remains, they hung him. Well I'm done. I'm tired of that shit. That is not how this is gonna end. We need a freaking win, guys. I'm going to get my family's cross." Pope pauses at the door.

Bella grinned and shared a look with Sarah and Kiara.

"Well, if you put it that way..." John B smirked.

JJ nodded, "Well maybe we should think about it, you know?"

Bella smiled and he threw an arm around her. "I'd have to check my schedule ya know I'm pretty busy this time of year."

"Pros and cons?" John B pointed at them.

JJ said, "Pros and cons list. Hell yeah, we're coming Pope!"

Bella laughed and they all followed after Pope.


John B pulls up in the Twinkie to Kiara's dad's truck, surrounded by cop cars.

"Oh shit, they found the truck," Kiara groaned.

Pope said, "Chill, chill, chill, chill."

"Of course, of course," JJ was starting to get antsy.

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